The Ottawa Journal

Miss Mary A. O'Leary Of Osgoode Station Dies in 89th Year

Monday, February 21, 1949
The Ottawa Journal Feb 21th 1949

Miss Mary Ann O’Leary, died Saturday at her home in Osgoode Station following a lengthy Illness. She was in her 80th year.
Miss O’Leary, daughter of the late Patrick O’Leary and his wife the late Mary Dunne, was born at Huntley, Que., but moved to Osgoode as a child of seven, with her parents, where she has resided since.
She was a parishioner of St. Bridget's Church. Osgoode, and was a member of the League of the Sacred Heart.
She is survived by a sister, Mrs. John Shields, of Kemptville, and several nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be held from McEvoy Bros, on Tuesday at nine o’clock at St. Bridget’s Church, Osgoode, for requiem mass at 10 o’clock. Interment will be in the parish cemetery.


Funeral of G. Brennan

Wednesday, December 9, 1931
The Ottawa Journal December 9th 1931

A large number of friends relatives united in paying a final tribute to the memory of Gordon Joseph Brennan. a member of a well known and highly respected Manotick family whose death on Wednesday last following a lengthy illness occasioned the deepest regret among his many friends in the district as week as in the Capital where he was born From the family residence nearly 100 automobiles followed in the lengthy cortege to St. Brigid’s Roman Catholic Church, Osgoode, where Rev. Father F. Tierney chanted a requiem high mass. Interment was in St. Brigid’s cemetery.

The chief mourners were the surviving relatives, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brennan of Manotick, two sisters, Miss Mary Brennan of the Civil Service at Ottawa, and Miss Ethel Brennan, at home, and four brothers, William, of Ottawa, and Bernard, David and Edward, all at home, A brother Leo, of London was prevented by military duties from being present.

The high esteem in which Mr. Brennan was held by his many friends in Manotick and Ottawa and the sincere regret occasioned by his passing was exemplified by the large number of beautiful spiritual and floral offerings received by the bereaved family. Included in these were pieces from the Royal Bank, Bank and Somerset street branch the Public and High Schools of Manotick and the Mines Department Victoria Museum Ottawa.


Funeral of Miss McEvoy

Monday, November 16, 1936
The Ottawa Journal November 16th 1936

Largely attended by many former friends from Osgoode and district, the funeral of Miss Annie McEvoy, widely-known resident of that place, who died at an Ottawa hospital on Friday, was held Sunday afternoon from McEvoy Brothers’ Funeral Home, to St. John’s Church, Osgoode, where a Libera service was chanted by Very Rev. Canon Prudhomme, of Ottawa. Rev. Frank Tierney, of Osgoode, assisted, while in the sanctuary were Rev. Leo Blanchfield and Rev. A. Daley. Interment was in the parish cemetery.

Chief mourners and survivors were four brothers, John and Leo, of South Gloucester, and Patrick and Edward, of Osgoode; and three sisters, Miss Minnie McEvoy, Ottawa, and Miss Katie McEvoy and Mrs. R. A. MacDonald, both of St. Vital, Man.

Numerous spiritual offerings were received in testimony to the sincere regard in which Miss McEvoy was held.


Impressive Tribute Is Paid To John Kelly

Thursday, December 29, 1927
The Ottawa Journal December 29th 1927
The Ottawa Journal December 29th 1927
The Ottawa Journal December 29th 1927

Attended by friends from all parts of the Ottawa district, the funeral of John Kelly, prominent Osgoode farmer who died on Sunday at his home on the Rideau river road, was held yesterday morning from his residence to St. Brigid’s Church, Osgoode. The cortege was one of the largest seen in the district in some time and was a visible token of the respect and esteem in which Mr. Kelly was held by all who knew him.

Included among the numerous mourners were friends from Ottawa, Nepean, Alexandria, Douglas, Dalmeny, Gloucester, Britannia Heights, as well as scores from Osgoode. The church was completely filled with those who gathered to pay final tribute to one who was beloved by all.

Requiem high mass was sung by Rev. Father A. Gorman, P.P., assisted by Rev. Father G. Prudhomme of St. George's Church. Ottawa West, as deacon, and Rev. Father F. Corkery, of St Mary's Church, South Gloucester, as sub-deacon The choir was ably led by Rev. Father L. Curtin, of St. Mary's Church, Ottawa, with Miss Mary O'Neill at the organ.

Pall-bearers were six brothers-ln-law, M. Daley, T. Grant, J. Daley, H. Clelland, P. McEvoy and M. Reardon. Among the many spiritual offerings was one of the Gregorian masses from the family.

Chief mourners were his wife, formerly Miss Teresa Daley; seven sons, Arthur, Ambrose, Frederick, James and Vincent, of Osgoode; Harry of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Dominic of Stannish. Out.: three daughters, Mrs. J. W. MacRae of Lochiel, Ont.; Mrs. Edward Dewan of Ottawa, and Miss Genevieve, at home; two sisters, Mrs. M. Reardon and Rev. Sister Mary of Columbkille; six brothers, James, David, William, Thomas, Frank and Joseph Kelly; two sons-in-law, J. W. MacRae and Edward Dewan, and 21 grandchildren.

Interment was made after the service in the pariah cemetery near the church.


Mr. T. J. Dewan

Wednesday, January 22, 1919
The Ottawa Journal Jan 22nd 1919

Mr. Thomas Joseph Dewan, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dewan, of Osgoode, died on Tuesday. Jan. 21, at Iroquois Falls, following a brief Illness of influenza. Deceased had been away from home only a couple of weeks, having gone north the first week in January, accompanied by his brother, Bernard, and uncle, Mr. Joseph Blanchfield. Mr. Dewan was only 17 years of age, and leaves to mourn his loss, his parents, three brothers. Edmund, Bernard, and William, and five sisters, Miss Teresa, Mrs. P. and Mrs. T. McEvoy, Mrs. A. Kelly, and Miss Lettie. Accompanied by Mr. Blanchfield the remains are expected to reach the city tomorrow morning, and will be conveyed on the morning Prescott train to deceased’s home in Osgoode. The funeral will probably take place on Friday morning to St. John's Church, Osgoode.


Mr. James Fagen

Friday, March 10, 1916
The Ottawa Journal March 10th 1916
The Ottawa Journal March 10th 1916

The death occurred recently at Osgoode of Mr. James Fagen. Deceased was widely known and well liked in the community. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, father, three brothers, Messrs, Michael and Patrick Fagen of Ottawa, and Mr. John Fagen of Osgoode; three sisters Mrs. Wm. Watters, Mrs. F. O’Leary and Mrs. J. R. McEvoy.

The funeral was held to St. Bridget's Roman Catholic church, Osgoode, where high mass in requiem was chanted by Rev. Father Brownrigg. The cortege was one of the largest ever seen in that vicinity.

The numerous spiritual offerings included those from Mr. and Mrs. M. Fagen, Mrs. Wm. Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Leary, Mr. John Fagen, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McEvoy, Mr. and Mrs. P. Fagen, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Daley, Mr. and Mrs. P. McEvoy, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Grant, Mr and Mrs. Terrence Daley, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cleland, Mr. and Mrs. John Herbert, Mr. John Doyle, Miss M. O'Connor (Ottawa), Mrs. and Mrs. L. Smith (Ottawa), Mrs. O. J. Clelland, Mrs. R. J. Clelland, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lahey, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Daley, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herbert, Mr. F. Smith (Ottawa): Mr. A. Smith (Ottawa), Messrs. M. and L. Smith (Ottawa), Mr. and Mrs. A. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGahn, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dewan, Mr. L. Daley, Mr. and Mrs. John Brophy (Ottawa), Mr. Jas. Blanchfield, Mr. James O'Brian (Ottawa), Miss Eva O'Connor (Ottawa), Master Norman Monica, Eva and Morgan Fagan (Ottawa), Master P. Walters, Miss Loretto Watters, Miss Irene McGahn, Misses Mamie and Laura Grant, Miss A. O'Connor (Ottawa).


Mrs. James Herbert

Wednesday, August 11, 1915
The Ottawa Journal August 11th 1915

Elisabeth Nash, wife of James Herbert. died at her home in Osgoode, after an illness of four months. Deceased was 67 years of age and leaves besides her husband, one son, Thos. G., three daughters. Mrs. M. Leahey, and Mrs. James Daley, of Osgoode, and Mrs. Sylvester McEvoy, of Ottawa Two brothers, Richard and Patrick Nash, and a sister Mrs. Richard Tighe, all of Ottawa, also survive, besides 19 grandchildren.

The funeral held to St. John's Roman Catholic church and cemetery, was very largely attended. The pallbearers were six grandsons of deceased. Thos., Wm., and Jos. McEvoy, and Howard, Jos. and Bert Leahey. A solemn high requiem mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Brownrigg.

Spiritual offerings were received from Mr. and Mrs. T. Tierney, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brasesu, Mr. and Mrs. C. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Barry, Mr. and Mrs J. F. Tighe, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Bergin, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester McEvoy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tighe, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dolan, Mr. and Mrs. John Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Brien, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McEvoy, Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Leahy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tierney, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. James Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. James Fagan, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tighe, Mr. and Mrs. John Dewan, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daley, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dewan, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O. Herbert, Mrs. Julia Judge, Mrs. D. Carrigan, Mrs. H. Lynch, Mrs. T. J. Cardo, the Misses M. A. Doyle, R. Leonard, Susan O’Brien, Terest Dewan, Messrs Jos Blanchfield, James Rowan, Wm. Early, Andrew Doyle, and S. P. Herbert.


Dewan - Kelly

Thursday, January 29, 1914

An event of interest to many Ottawans took place at Osgoode on Tuesday, Jan. 20, in the marriage in St. Bridget’s church of Mr. Edmond Dewan, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dewan, and Miss Violet, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, all of Osgoode.


A marriage of interest

Thursday, September 14, 1911

A marriage of interest to many Ottawans was solemnized in St. John's Church, Osgoode, on Tuesday, Sept. 5, when Miss Elisabeth A., third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dewan was wedded to Mr. Thomas J., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip MeEvoy.

Rev. Father McCauley performed the ceremony and celebrated the nuptial mass.

The bride, charmingly attired in a gown of steel grey and wearing the gift of the bridegroom, a locket set with a diamond, was attended by her cousin. Miss Kate M. Whelan, Ottawa, while Mr. Arthur Kelly, Bray’s Crossing, supported the groom.


Mr. Patrick Dewan

Thursday, March 15, 1906
The Ottawa Journal March 15th 1906

The funeral of Patrick Dewan, a venerable pioneer of Osgoode, who passed away at the family home last Sunday, took place Tuesday to St. John’s church, where a solemn high mass of requiem was chantad by the Rev. Father McCauley. The cortege was very large. The pallbearers were Messrs. M. Doyle, J. O’Connor, N. Turner, W. Doyle, M. Daley and J. Shields Interment was made in St. John’s cemetery.

The late Mr. Dewan was born in Clonmel, Tipperary, Ireland, in 1820, and came to Canada with his parents in 1827. For the last sixty-six years he had been a resident of Osgoode, where by his kind and genial disposition he had won the high esteem of all. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow, four sons, Patrick and John, of Osgoode, Barnard of Assiniboia, Sask., and Joseph, of Minneapolis, Minn.; two daughters, Mrs. Wm. O’Brien and Mrs. B. Shields, Osgoode and three sisters, Mrs. M. Whelan, Ottawa. The deceased is also survived by thirty-one grandchildren and four great grandchildren, all of whom with the exeption of two reside in Osgoode. The sympathy of a large circle of friends is extended the sorrowing relatives.
