The funeral of David Kelly, well known resident of Osgoode, who died at a local hospital Sunday. December 18, at the age of 69 years, was held from his late home on the River road to St. Brigid’s Church on Wednesday, December 21.
Solemn high mass was chanted by Rev. Father W. F. Tierney, parish priest, assisted by Rev. Father F. Corkery and Rev. Father W. Nevins, Rev. Father M. F. Daley conducted the services at the grave.
Mr. Kelly is survived by five sons, Patrick and Stephen, of Detroit; Leo, Gerald and Louis, at home, and two daughters, Sister St. Augustine, of the Grey Nuns Community, Pembroke, and Teresa, of Ottawa; five brothers, William, Thomas, Frank and Joseph, of Osgoode, and James, of Ottawa, and three sisters, Sister St. Columbkill, of the Holy Cross Convent Ottawa; Mrs. B. F. Laplante, of Ottawa, and Mrs. F. Reardon, of Osgoode.
The esteem in which Mr. Kelly was held was shown by the large number of spiritual and floral offerings.