Thomas Herbert, of Osgoode, former well-known Ottawa business man, died at a local hospital on Friday, after a lorg illness. He was 83.
For 15 years, prior to 1918, Mr. Herbert conducted a retail grocery store and butcher shop on the corner of Lisgar and Bank streets He retired in 1918 and went to live at Osgoode.
Born at Osgoode, he was a son of the late Michael Herbert and Ellen Nash. He was married to the former Anna Doyle who predeceased him. During his residence at Osgoode he was a member of St. John's Church, and belonged to the League of the Sacred Heart and the Holy Name Society.
Surviving are three sons, Joseph T. Herbert, overseas; M. Raymond Herbert, Ottawa, and William P Herbert, Osgoode; two daughters, Mrs. Marr Morris, Bombay, India, and Miss Genevieve Herbert, registered nurse, New York; four brothers, Simon Herbert and Richard Herbert, of Ottawa, John and Michael Herbert, of Osgoode, and five grandchildren.
The funeral will be held from the parlors of McEvoy Brothers, 235 Kent street at Nepean, on Sunday at 1.15 p.m. (S.T.), for a libra service at St. John's Church, Osgoode, at two o'clock. Interment will be at the pariah cemetery.