The Ottawa Journal

Mrs. William Scanlon Dies in 65th Year

Friday, May 17, 1940
The Ottawa Journal May 17th 1940

Mrs. Elizabeth Scanlon, resident of Ottawa for the past 40 years and widow of William Scanlon, died Thursday at a local hospital following an illness of a year’s duration. She became seriously ill about a week ago and died in her 65th year.

Born at South Gower, near Kemptville, she was the former Elizabeth McGahey, and came to Ottawa 40 years ago following her marriage. Her husband died eight years ago.

A devout Roman Catholic, she attended St. Brigid’s Church.

Surviving are two sons, Gerald and Bernard Scanlon, both of Ottawa; three daughters, Misses Blanche and Carmel Scanlon, and Mrs. Hector McDonald, all of Ottawa, and a sister, Mrs. P. Scanlon, of Osgoode Station, Ont.

The body is resting at the Whelan Funeral Home, 515 Cooper street. The funeral will be held on Saturday at 7.40 a.m. to St. Brigid’s Church for requiem high mass at 8 o’clock. Interment will be at Notre Dame cemetery.


Mrs. Sarah Doyle of Osgoode Dies

Wednesday, March 27, 1940
The Ottawa Journal March 27th 1940

Mrs. Sarah Doyle, widow of Patrick Doyle and lifelong resident of the River road in Osgoode Township, died at the residence of her son, Thomas P. Doyle, on Tuesday. She was in her 90th year.

Mrs. Doyle was extremely well-known in the district and had lived on the old Doyle family homestead since her marriage 68 years ago. Her death will be deeply mourned throughout Osgoode and Manotick.

She attended St. Brigid’s mission at Osgoode and was connected with the Catholic Women’s League.

She leaves to mourn her death four sons, Anthony, John and Thomas P., of Osgoode, and James, of Mattawa, four daughters, Mrs. Denis Clark, Detroit, Mrs. E. A. Thompson, of Alberta, Mrs. Mary Baxter, of Ottawa, and Mrs. W. T. Quinn, of Prescott, and two brothers, John J. Shannon, of Watertown, N. Y., and Michael Shannon, of San Francisco. Thirty grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren also survive.

The funeral will be held on Thursday morning at 9 a.m. from the above address to St. Brigid’s Church, Osgoode, for requiem high mass at ten o’clock. Burial will be in the parish cemetery.


J. G. Blanchfield, C.P.R. Agent, Dies

Friday, October 6, 1939
The Ottawa Journal October 6th 1939

Joseph Gordon Blanchfield, Canadian Pacific Railway freight agent at Burbidge, Que., for the past 27 years, died this morning at the Ottawa General Hospital following a lengthy illness. He was in his 50th year

Numerous Ottawa people who have Summer homes at Burbidge on Blue Sea Lake were acquainted with Mr. Blanchfield. Ill with a heart ailment for some years, he was forced to come to Ottawa last January.

Born at Osgoode he was a son of the late Charles Blanchfield and the former Theresa Dolan. He entered the employ of the old Grand Trunk Railway when a young man, and after two year, became employed with the C.P.R. Before being appointed agent at Burbidge, he was stationed at Ottawa and at Hurdman in relief capacities.

A Roman Catholic, Mr. Blanchfield attended St. Raphael’s Church at Burbidge. and took an active part in parochial organizations.

Surviving, in addition to his widow, the former Mary Elizabeth McCusker, are one sister Mrs. Edward McEvoy, Osgoode, and three brothers, Wilfred and Thomas Blanchfield, Timmins, Ont., and Austin Blanchfield, of Windsor.
Funeral arrangements have not been completed, but it was announced that interment will take place at Osgoode.


Mrs. P. Dewan Dies at Osgoode

Thursday, September 28, 1939
The Ottawa Journal September 28th 1939

Mrs. Patrick Dewan, the former Ellen Blanchfleld, aunt of the Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ontario Minister of Agriculture, died at her residence, Osgoode, Ont., on Wednesday. She was in her 80th year.

One of the best known and most beloved Women of the district, Mrs. Dewan had resided there all her life. Her descendants, numbering among them 38 grandchildren, have settled throughout the country.

A daughter of the late Patrick Blanchfleld and his wife, the former Catherine Herbert, she received her education in the district schools. She was a devout attendant of St. John’s Church and was a member of the Tabernacle Society, in which she took great interest in earlier years.

In 1880 she married Patrick Dewan, who predeceased her by four years.

Surviving are five daughters, Theresa Dewan, Mrs. Patrick McEvoy, Mrs. Thomas McEvoy, Mrs. Ambrose Kelly and Mrs. Earl McGuire, all of Ottawa; three sons, Edmund, of Ottawa, and Bernard and William, both of Osgoode; two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Kelly, of Osgoode, and Mrs. F. Gleeson, of Ottawa; two brothers, John Blanchfleld, of Ottawa, and Joseph Blanchfleld, of Detroit and 38 grandchildren.

The funeral will be held from her late residence on Saturday, September 30, at 9.40 a.m., to St John's Church for requiem high mass at 10 o'clock. Interment will be made in the parish cemetery.


Joseph John Daley

Monday, August 14, 1939
The Ottawa Journal August 14th 1939

Following a long illness, Joseph John Daley, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Daley, died this morning at a local hospital at the age of 23.

Born at Osgoode, Ont., Mr. Daley was educated at the parish school at Osgoode and later at St. Joseph’s School, Ottawa. For some time prior to his illness he had been engaged in garage work in Ottawa.

Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Walter Egan, and a brother, William Daley, both of New York city, and three uncles, Edward, Jack and Timothy, all of Ottawa. The funeral will be held on Wednesday from the parlors of McEvoy Brothers, 471 MacLaren street, at 7 a.m. Standard Time, to St. John’s Catholic Church, Osgoode, for requiem high mass at eight o'clock. Burial will be in the parish cemetery.


Thomas Kelly

Thursday, April 13, 1939
The Ottawa Journal Apr 13th 1939

Many friends of Ottawa and district will learn with regret of the death of Thomas Kelly, well-known farmer of the Osgoode district, which occurred at his residence on thy River Road, this morning.

Born at Osgoode, Mr. Kelly had lived there all his life. He was the son of the late Patrick Kelly, and his wife, the late Catherine McEvoy. He attended St. Brigid’s Church, on the River Road, Osgoode, and took and active interest in parochial affairs.

Surviving, in addition to his widow, the former Catherine Blanchfield, are a daughter, Mrs. Charles Gillissie, of Metcalfe; three sons, Carmen Kelly, of Ottawa, and Thomas and Arnold Kelly, at home; three sisters, Mrs. B. F. La Plante, of Ottawa; Rev. Sister Mary of St. Columbkille, of the Holy Rosary Convent, Montreal; and Mrs. Martin Reardon, of Osgoode; and four brothers, James Kelly, of Ottawa, and William, Francis and Joseph Kelly, all of Osgoode.

The funeral will be held on Saturday, at 9.30 a.m.; from the family residence, to St. Brigid’s Church, River Road, Osgoode, for requiem high mass at 10 o'clock. Interment will be at the parish cemetery.


Charles Mooney Dies Old C.P.R. Employe

Thursday, January 12, 1939
The Ottawa Journal Jan 12th 1939

A wide circle of friends will learn with deep regret of the death on Wednesday of Charles Mooney, former employe in Ottawa of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. Mooney, who was in his 84th year, had been ill for two weeks.

Born at Osgoode, he was a son of the late Owen Mooney and the former Catherine Blanchfleld. He came to Ottawa about 30 years ago, and retired from the service of the C.P.R. 15 years ago.

Mr. Mooney was a member of St. Joseph’s Church and of the Holy Name Society and the League of the Sacred Heart.

Predeceased by his wife by seven years, he is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Patrick Doyle and Mrs. F. C. Lawyer, both of Syracuse, N.Y., and Mrs. James Doyle, 171 Nicholas street.

The funeral will be held from 171 Nicholas street on Friday at 8.45 a.m. for requiem high mass at St. Joseph’s Church at nine o’clock. The cortege then will proceed to Notre Dame cemetery, where the body will rest in the vault until May, when interment will be made at Osgoode.


Thomas H. Grant

Monday, January 31, 1938
The Ottawa Journal Jan 31st 1938

Thomas H. Grant, proprietor of a general store at Osgoode and well-known resident of that district all his life, died on Sunday at his home there following a brief illness. He was 75 years of age.

Born at Metcalfe, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Grant and moved to Osgoode about 45 years ago to open a general store. He also was a contractor. He was a parishioner of St John’s Church, Osgoode.

Surviving are his widow, formerly Annie Daley; one son, Anthony Grant, at home; five daughters, Rev. Sister M. Flora, of Lindsay, Ont; Rev. Sister Marion, of Peterboro, and Rev. Sister Anna Clare, of Almonte; Miss Gertrude Grant, of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Ottawa, and Miss Ethel Grant, of the staff of Dante Academy, Ottawa.

The funeral will be on Tuesday from his late home to St. John's Church for requiem high mass at 10 a.m. Burial will be in the perish cemetery.


Miss T. Kelly Widely Mourned

Monday, October 25, 1937
The Ottawa Journal October 25th 1937
The Ottawa Journal October 25th 1937

The funeral of Miss Teresa Kelly, whose death occurred Thursday in a local hospital, following a brief illness, was held Sunday afternoon from the residence at Osgoode of her brother, Leo Kelly, to St. Brigid's Church, Osgoode. The lengthy cortege of more than 200 automobiles and other expressions of sympathy paid tribute to the memory of one beloved by ail who knew her.

Libera was chanted by Rev. Father Corkery, pastor of St. Mary’s, Gloucester. Present at the services in the church and at the cemetery were: Rev. Vincent Hogan, St. Mary's, Ottawa; Rev. John Kelly, Bishop's Palace, Pembroke; Rev. Martin Mooney, St. Catherine's, Metcalfe; Rev. Thomas Mitchell, O.M.I., of St. Patrick’s College, Ottawa, and the following from the Holy Rosary Scholasticate: Rev. L. Keighley, O.M.I.; Rev. A. MacInnes, O.M.I.; Rev. P. Curtin, O.M.I.; Rev. L. Herlihy, O.M.I., and several brothers, classmates of Brother Gerald Kelly. Many Sisters of the Order of the Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception attended. The service at the cemetery was conducted by Rev. Vincent Hogan.
The chief mourners were one sister, Rev. Sister St. Augustine, of Assumption Convent, Sandwich, and five brothers, Dr. Patrick Kelly, Detroit; Leo Kelly, on the homestead, Osgoode; Rev. Brother Gerald Kelly, O.M.I.; Stephen, Detroit, and Louis, of Ottawa.

The Separate School Board was represented by Dr. F. J. McDonald, Inspector, and Trustee Walter Cain.

Teresa, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Kelly, of Osgoode, had resided in Ottawa for the past eight years, having been on the teaching staff of St. Mary’s parish schools, where she won the affection and esteem of pupils and parents. In all her professional associations and social activities, her genial disposition endeared her to all who came in contact with her. Her unselfish devotion to others was one of the chief attractions of her winning personality. Miss Kelly took a keen interest in many activities of her home parish, St. Brigid’s, Osgoode, St Joseph’s, Ottawa, and was also an enthusiastic worker in St. Mary's parish branch of the Legion of Mary.
Among the floral offerings were tributes from the Teachers' Association, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hickman, Misses Beetha and Ida Shields, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barnes and Irene, and T. Gamble, president Centra] Dairies. Numerous spiritual offerings were received and messages of sympathy from those unable to attend the funeral.


Miss Teresa Kelly Ottawa Teacher, Dies

Friday, October 22, 1937
The Ottawa Journal October 22nd 1937

Her many friends in Osgoode end the city will learn with regret of the death on Thursday, in a local hospital, of Miss Teresa Kelly, 58 Hastey avenue.

Miss Kelly, who was 28, came to Ottawa from Osgoode nine years ago. She was a teacher at St Mary’s School, where her likeable disposition had made her popular with both the children and staff.

A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Kelly, of Osgoode, she is survived by five brothers, Dr. Patrick Kelly, Detroit; Leo Kelly, Osgoode; Steven Kelly, Detroit; Rev. Brother Gerald Kelly, of the Oblate Scholasticate, Ottawa, and Louis Kelly, Ottawa; and a sister, Rev. Sister St Augustine, of the Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Assumption College, Sandwich.

The funeral service will be held Sunday at St. Bridget's Church, Osgoode. Interment will be in the church cemetery.
