Dewan - Kelly

Thursday, January 29, 1914

An event of interest to many Ottawans took place at Osgoode on Tuesday, Jan. 20, in the marriage in St. Bridget’s church of Mr. Edmond Dewan, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dewan, and Miss Violet, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, all of Osgoode.

The ceremony was solemnized by Rev. Father Brownrigg. The bride looked winsome, attired in an exquisite gown of blue silk and wearing a blue hat with white willow plume. She entered the church leaning on the arm of her father, the bridegroom being attended by his brother, Mr. Bernard Dewan.

A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties being present.

The bride, one of Osgoode's most popular young ladies, was the recipient of numerous handsome presents. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a gold watch and chain; to the bride's father, gold cuff links, and to the groomsman, a gold scarf pin.

Mr. and Mrs. Dewan will reside In Osgoode.

The Ottawa Journal