Many relatives and friends mourned the death of Wilburt J. LaPlante, youngest son of Mrs. B. F. LaPlante and the late Mr. LaPlante, whose funeral was held from his home, 242 Bronson avenue on Thursday morning. Solemn requiem high mass was chanted by Rev. J. Murray, assisted by Rev. A. Gratton as deacon and Rev. John Burke as sub-deacon, Rev. W. T. McCauley, of Fallowfield, and Rev. W. Radley were present in the sanctuary along with Rev. Brother Gerald Kelly, O.M.I., cousin of Mr. LaPlante.
Interment was at St Brigid’s cemetery. River Road, Osgoode, where Fathers W. T. McCauley, J. Burke, and A. Gratton said the graveside prayers.
Death of Mr. LaPlante came suddenly Monday and was a shock to many friends in the city and district. Born in Osgoode 28 years ago, he spent his youth in Ottawa, where he attended St. Patrick’s School and later Glebe Collegiate.
He was a devout Roman Catholic, attending St Patrick’s Church and for several years was an active member of St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Chief mourners were his mother; three brothers, P. J. LaPlante, of Ottawa, Edward La Plants, of Barrie, and A. LaPlante, of Amos, Que.; two sisters, Miss Evelyn LaPlante, registered nurse, of Ogdensburg; and Mias Cecilia, at home.
Among the many floral tributes and spiritual offerings were then from the staff of Thompson Cadillac Mines, Brown's Hairdressing Parlors, boys and girls of the Royal Ottawa Sanatorium, PenRite Electric, Sisters of Our Lady of Charity, Sisters of the Holy Cross, Sisters of the Precious Blood, Mater Circle of the Daughters of Isabella, ushers of St. Patrick's Church, pupils of No. 1 Qsgoode School, boys of the Whitney Building of Royal Ottawa Sanatorium, Junior Bowling League of the Daughters of Isabella, Seraphic Mass Association, St. Vincent de Paul Society Junior Conference, Joseph Dolan and Son, Limited.