The Ottawa Journal

Mourn Death Wilburt J. LaPlante

Friday, October 1, 1937
The Ottawa Journal Oct 1st 1937

Many relatives and friends mourned the death of Wilburt J. LaPlante, youngest son of Mrs. B. F. LaPlante and the late Mr. LaPlante, whose funeral was held from his home, 242 Bronson avenue on Thursday morning. Solemn requiem high mass was chanted by Rev. J. Murray, assisted by Rev. A. Gratton as deacon and Rev. John Burke as sub-deacon, Rev. W. T. McCauley, of Fallowfield, and Rev. W. Radley were present in the sanctuary along with Rev. Brother Gerald Kelly, O.M.I., cousin of Mr. LaPlante.

Interment was at St Brigid’s cemetery. River Road, Osgoode, where Fathers W. T. McCauley, J. Burke, and A. Gratton said the graveside prayers.

Death of Mr. LaPlante came suddenly Monday and was a shock to many friends in the city and district. Born in Osgoode 28 years ago, he spent his youth in Ottawa, where he attended St. Patrick’s School and later Glebe Collegiate.

He was a devout Roman Catholic, attending St Patrick’s Church and for several years was an active member of St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Chief mourners were his mother; three brothers, P. J. LaPlante, of Ottawa, Edward La Plants, of Barrie, and A. LaPlante, of Amos, Que.; two sisters, Miss Evelyn LaPlante, registered nurse, of Ogdensburg; and Mias Cecilia, at home.
Among the many floral tributes and spiritual offerings were then from the staff of Thompson Cadillac Mines, Brown's Hairdressing Parlors, boys and girls of the Royal Ottawa Sanatorium, PenRite Electric, Sisters of Our Lady of Charity, Sisters of the Holy Cross, Sisters of the Precious Blood, Mater Circle of the Daughters of Isabella, ushers of St. Patrick's Church, pupils of No. 1 Qsgoode School, boys of the Whitney Building of Royal Ottawa Sanatorium, Junior Bowling League of the Daughters of Isabella, Seraphic Mass Association, St. Vincent de Paul Society Junior Conference, Joseph Dolan and Son, Limited.


Charles Blanchfield

Saturday, July 17, 1937
The Ottawa Journal July 17th 1937

One of best known residents of Osgoode, Ont., Charles Blanchfield, in business as a blacksmith for many years, died at an Ottawa hospital on Friday, after a lengthy illness.

Mr. Blanchfield was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Blanchfield, and was born at Osgoode 74 years ago. He had spent his entire life in the community, and was known all over the district. Until obliged to retire on account of ill health about two years ago, Mr. Blanchfield had been active in his blacksmith business.

He was a devout member of St. John’s Church, Osgoode.

Mr. Blanchfield was predeceased in 1917 by his wife, formerly Miss Theresa Dolan. There survive four sons, Gordon, of Burbidge, Que., Thomas and Wilfred, in Timmins, and Austin, at Windsor, and a daughter, Mrs. Edward McEvoy, of Osgoode, as well as a brother, Patrick Blanchfield, of Windsor.
The funeral is to be held from the parlours of McEvoy Brothers, 471 MacLaren street, at one o’clock on Sunday afternoon for Libera service at St. John’s, Osgoode, at two o’clock. Interment will be in the parish cemetery.
Requiem high mass for the repose of his soul is to be chanted in the same church at eight o’clock on Monday morning.


Emma Jane Murray

Friday, June 25, 1937
The Ottawa Journal June 25th 1937

RALPH — At her residence, Osgoode Station, on Thursday. June 24. 1937. Emma Jane Murray, aged 59. beloved wife of John Ralph. Funeral from above address on Sunday, 27th inst., at 1.3O p.m. (Standard Time) to St. Catharine's Church, Metcalfe, for libera service at 2.30 o'clock (Standard Time). Interment at pariah cemetery. Requiem high mass will be chanted for the repose of her soul in St. John's Church, Osgoode, on Monday morning at 7.30 o'clock (Standard Time).


Miss M. E. O'Brien

Tuesday, May 25, 1937
The Ottawa Journal May 25th 1937

Following an illness of several months, Miss Margaret Ellen O’Brien, resident of Osgoode, Ont., died on Monday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Stackpole, 17 Stewart street, where she had been living for the past year and a half. She was in her 66th year.

Born at Osgoode. Miss O'Brien was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Brien, and had resided there until she came to Ottawa to live with her sister. A Roman Catholic in religion, Miss O’Brien attended St. Joseph’s, Church.

Surviving are one brother, Patrick, South Gloucester, and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Stackpole, Ottawa.

The funeral will be held on Wednesday from the home of her sister at 8.45 a.m to St. Joseph's Church for requiem high mass at 10 o'clock. Burial will be in St. John’s cemetery, Osgoode.


Andrew Doyle

Saturday, May 1, 1937
The Ottawa Journal May 1st 1937

Following a brief illness, the death occurred at his home in Osgoode, Ont., Saturday morning, of Andrew Doyle, life long resident of that place. He was 64 years of age.
Born at Osgoode, Mr Doyle was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Moses Doyle. A highly respected farmer, Mr. Doyle was well known and will be mourned. He was a parishioner of St. John's, Catholic Church, Osgoode.
Unmarried, he is survived by two brothers, John, at home; Moses, Detroit, Mich.; one sister, Miss Mary Doyle, at home.
The funeral will be held Monday morning from his home at 8.45 o’clock, E.S.T., to St. John’s Church for requiem high mass at nine o'clock. Interment, will be in the parish cemetery.


Funeral of R. McNally

Monday, November 30, 1936
The Ottawa Journal Nov 30th 1936

The esteem in which Raymond McNally, insurance agent and resident of Ottawa for the past 10 years, was held by a wide circle of friends and relatives was indicated by the large attendance at his funeral Saturday morning. Mr. McNally died suddenly at his home, 68 Grange avenue, shortly after noon on Thursday. He was 44.
The funeral was held from his late residence to St. George's Church, Ottawa West, where requiem high mass was chanted by Rev. O’Neill. Rev. W. Nevins was in the sanctuary. The cortege proceeded by motor to Osgoode, where Rev. Frank Tierney chanted a Libera in St. John the Apostle’s Church. Interment was in St. Brigid’s cemetery, River Road, with Father Tierney officiating.
Mr. McNally is mourned by his widow, the former Winnifred Moran; two sons, James and Joseph McNally, and a daughter, Lorraine McNally, all at home; four brothers, Herbert, Richard, Victor and John McNally, all of Ottawa, and a sister, Mrs. Lambert Kelly, of Ottawa.
Many beautiful floral and spiritual tributes were received.


Owen Mooney

Wednesday, November 11, 1936
The Ottawa Journal Nov 11th 1936

Word was received here on Tuesday of the death at Syracuse, N. Y., of Owen Mooney, formerly a widely-known farmer of Osgoode, and a brother of Mr. James Doyle and of Charles Mooney, of this city. Mr. Mooney was in his 63rd year.

Born at Osgoode, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mooney. Following his father’s death, he continued farming there until about 14 years ago when he went to Syracuse.

Surviving, in addition to his brother-and sister here, are two other sisters, Mrs. Patrick Doyle and Mrs. Frank C. Lawyer, of Syracuse, and one brother, Joseph Mooney, of Minneapolis.

The body will arrive in Ottawa today at 6 p.m., and will rest at McEvoy brothers’ Funeral Home, 471 McLaren street, until Thursday morning at eight o’clock when the funeral will be held to Osgoode for requiem high mass at St. John’s Roman Catholic Church at nine o’clock. Interment will take place in the parish cemetery.


Funeral of G. O'Neill

Saturday, November 7, 1936
The Ottawa Journal Nov 7th 1936

Last tribute was paid at his funeral, on Friday morning, to the memory of Gerald O’Neill, whose death occurred after an illness of several months on Wednesday. He was 28.

The funeral was held from the Whelan Funeral Home. 5131 Cooper street, to St. Patrick's Church, where requiem high mass was chanted by Rev. M. Mooney, parish priest of Darling, Ont., The cortege proceeded by motor to St. Brigid’s Church, Osgoode, where a Libera was chanted by Rev. F. Tierney, who also said the prayers in the parish cemetery.

Chief mourners were his father, Eugene O’Neill; two brothers, Leonard and Emmett O'Neill, of Ottawa; and his sister, Rev. Sister Mary Eugene, of the Grey Nuns of the immaculate Conception, Pembroke.

Among the numerous floral and spiritual tributes were pieces from the Uptown Taxi, and M. Landreville and employes, Ottawa.


Well Known Resident Of Osgoode Dies

Saturday, February 3, 1945
The Ottawa Journal Feb 3rd 1945

A life-long resident of Osgoode, Augustine Philip McEvoy, husband of May Hurley, died at his residence there on Thursday, following a short illness. He was 48.

Born and educated at Osgoode, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Philip Augustine McEvoy. Mr. McEvoy, who was a farmer, was married to May Hurley in Ottawa in 1922. He was a member of St. John’s, Church, Osgoode.

Surviving besides his wife are six sons, Orville, with the Canadian Army overseas; Philip Joseph, Peter, Patrick, and Ronald, all at home; three daughters, Mrs. Archie Sayant, Ottawa, and the Misses Dorothy and Helen McEvoy, at home: three brothers, James, of Detroit; Thomas and Raymond, of Osgoode; two sisters, Mrs. J. H. McEwen and Mrs. J. Meagher, both of Osgoode.

The body is resting at his residence, from where the funeral will be held on Monday at 9.30 a.m. to St. John’s Church, for requiem mass at 10 o’clock. Burial will be in the parish cemetery.


P. J. McGee

Tuesday, September 21, 1926
The Ottawa Journal Sep 21st 1926

In the death on Sunday of Patrick Joseph McGee, aged 38 years. Osgoode, Ont., lost one of its most popular citizens. Mr. McGee's death was sudden and was a great shock to his many friends in various parts of the country. The funeral will be held today, Interment taking place in Osgoode Cemetery.

Mr. McGee was born at Spencerville, Ont., but mored to Hallville, Ont., After some years of residence there, he again moved to Osgoode, and engaged in farming. He had many friends in both Hallville and Osgoode, and his cheery disposition and kindly nature made him universally popular.

Surviving him are his wife and one child, his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGee, of Osgoode; six sisters, Mrs. James Roach and Mrs. Fred Cassidy, of Hallville, Mrs. George M. McMillan and Mrs. R. Donoghue, of Ottawa; Mrs. Joseph Marquay, of Detroit, Mich., and Miss Sarah Louise McGee, Osgoode, and also one brother, James Henry McGee, of Ottawa.
