Largely attended by many former friends from Osgoode and district, the funeral of Miss Annie McEvoy, widely-known resident of that place, who died at an Ottawa hospital on Friday, was held Sunday afternoon from McEvoy Brothers’ Funeral Home, to St. John’s Church, Osgoode, where a Libera service was chanted by Very Rev. Canon Prudhomme, of Ottawa. Rev. Frank Tierney, of Osgoode, assisted, while in the sanctuary were Rev. Leo Blanchfield and Rev. A. Daley. Interment was in the parish cemetery.
Chief mourners and survivors were four brothers, John and Leo, of South Gloucester, and Patrick and Edward, of Osgoode; and three sisters, Miss Minnie McEvoy, Ottawa, and Miss Katie McEvoy and Mrs. R. A. MacDonald, both of St. Vital, Man.
Numerous spiritual offerings were received in testimony to the sincere regard in which Miss McEvoy was held.