The Ottawa Journal

Pretty Wedding Osgoode Church

Wednesday, June 23, 1926

Of the pretty June weddings none wee more attractive than that solemnized on Tuesday morning, June 22, in St. John's Church, Osgoode, by Rev. Father Gorman, of May Shields, Osgoode, to Mr. Patrick J. McGahey, of Mountain.
The attendants were Miss Ida Shields, sister of the bride, and Mr. Anthony McGahey, of Kemptville. Miss Kathleen Doyle, of Ottawa, rendered the nuptial music.
Following a reception at the home of the bride's mother, Mr. and Mrs. McGahey left for Toronto and Niagara. On their return they will reside at Mountain.


Has Taken Over Osgoode Parish

Monday, October 26, 1925
The Ottawa Journal October 26th 1925

Rev. Father A. Gorman assistant parish priest of St. Brigid’s parish of this city is taking over the pastorate of St. John's parish. Osgoode, it was announced yesterday. This will include the St. Brigids’s mission parish on the River road near Manotick. Rev. Father John Ainsborough who has had charge of the parish is leaving for the south for his health. Father Gorman celebrated mass in his new parish Sunday.

The Ottawa Journal

Patrick M'Cartin Well-Known Figure

Monday, March 16, 1925
The Ottawa Journal March 16th 1925

A well-known figure in the Sandy Hill district. Mr. Patrick McCartin, died at his residence, 38 Osgoode street, yesterday at noon. Born In Osgoode 74 years ago, he was prominent in that district. He spent the early part of his life out in the west, following the lumbering trade at Seattle, and the great western cities when they were but villages.

He was a regular attendant at St. Joseph's Church, where many will miss him. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Elisabeth McCartin; two sisters, Mrs. J. H. O'Callaghan and Mrs. James O’Rourke, both of Osgoode, and three brothers. Owen, of Billings Bridge, James, of Ottawa, and Frank, in Wisconsin.

The funeral takes place tomorrow to St. Joseph's Church, and thence to Notre Dame Cemetery. Interment will be made in Osgoode Cemetery in the spring.


John Blanchfield

Saturday, October 18, 1924
The Ottawa Journal October 18th 1924

Mr. John Blanchfield. resident of Ottawa for 13 years and pioneer of the Osgoode district, died at a local hospital yesterday at the age of 65 years. Mr. Blanchfield was born at Osgoode, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Blanchfield, and spent the greater part of his life farming in that district. He retired from active life 13 years ago, when he came to Ottawa to live. He was unmarried. Surviving him are two brothers. Charles, of Osgoode and Patrick, of North Mountain, and one sister. Mrs. S. T. McEvoy, of Ottawa. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from 74 College avenue to St. John's cemetery, Osgoode.


Leo McCaffrey Wins Grand Aggregate Prize In Annual Sports Programme At Osgoode

Monday, August 25, 1924
The Ottawa Journal August 25th 1924
The Ottawa Journal August 25th 1924
The Ottawa Journal August 25th 1924
Annual Sports Day Featured By Fine Events, Ed McLaughlin Captures Two First Places.

A splendid event of sports featured the annual field day held at Osgoode on Saturday afternoon. The sports programme was postponed from Civic Holiday and a large crowd attended to view the different event’s Leo McCaffrey scored in two different events capturing the 100 yard dash and long jump. Eddie McLaughlin won the hop step and jump in fine style and also finished with the honours in the high jump. Leo McCaffrey was a close second in both these events. Harvey Tourangeau was winner in the 440 yard dash, while Martin Downey       held in put long the 16 pounds. In the 100 yard dash for  E. Kelly was first.

The Ottawa Journal

Field Sports at Osgoode Today

Saturday, August 23, 1924
The Ottawa Journal August 23th 1924
The Ottawa Journal

Mr. J. J. McEvoy

Wednesday, August 13, 1924
The Ottawa Journal August 13th 1924

Largely attended by relatives and friends, the funeral of Mr. John J. McEvoy, late of Ottawa, and formerly a well-known farmer of Osgoode Township, who died on Sunday, was held at 8.45 o’clock this morning from his residence, 108 Daly avenue, yo St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church. The High Requiem Mass was said by Rev. Father G Finnigan, of St. Joseph’s Church. The chief mourners were five sons; Mr. John McEvoy and Mr. Leo McEvoy, of Osgoode, and Mr. Michael McEvoy, Mr. Ambrose McEvoy and Mr. Dominic McEvoy, all of Ottawa, and one brother Mr. Philip McEvoy, of Osgoode. Interment was made in the Roman Catholic cemetery at Osgoode.


Mr. John McEvoy

Monday, August 11, 1924
The Ottawa Journal August 11th 1924

Mr. John J. McEvoy a resident of the Capital for the last nine years, and formerly a well-known farmer of Osgoode Township died yesterday at his home, 108 Daly avenue. Mr. McEvoy, who was 76 years of age was widely known in Osgoode Township, having served on the Osgoode Township Council for a number of years. He was a Roman Catholic and attended St. Josephs Church. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McEvoy pioneer residents of Osgoode Township. He had spent most of his life farming at Osgoode, but retired about nine years ago, coming to the city to make his home.
Besides his wife, he leaves to mourn his loss six sons. Mr. John McEvoy and Mr. Leo McEvoy, of Osgoode, Mr. James McEvoy, of Detroit Mich., Mr. Michael McEvoy, Mr. Ambrose McEvoy and Mr. Dominic McEvoy, all of Ottawa, three daughters, Mrs. James Shields, of Osgoode, and Mrs. John Casey and Miss Mary McEvoy, both of Ottawa; one brother, Mr. Philip McEvoy, of Osgoode, and a sister, Mrs. Ann Brennan, of Ottawa.

The funeral will be held at 8.45 o’clock tomorrow morning from the fore-mentioned address to St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church. Interment will be made at St. John’s Cemetery at Osgoode.


Make Many Changes in Catholic Parishes

Saturday, September 8, 1923
The Ottawa Journal September 8th 1923
Fathers Harris, Ainsborough, and Armstrong Transferred.

About 20 important changes in the allotment of priests in the archdiocese of Ottawa are contemplated as follows:

Father John Ainsborough, who has been at Cantley, Que., for the past three years, is to be transferred to Osgoode, succeeding Father Corkery, who goes to Gloucester to succeed Father Prudhomme. Father Austin Stanton, at present parish priest at Huntley, will succeed Father Ainsborough at Cantley.
Father Albert Armstrong, curate at St. Patrick’s Church, Ottawa, will become parish priest at Mayo, Que.
Father P. C. Harris, now parish priest at Mayo and former curate at Blessed Sacrament parish, will become parish priest at Huntley.
Father J. E. Brennan and Father Cody, recently ordained and up till the present unattached to any parish, are appointed curates to St. Patrick's parish.

The Ottawa Journal

Osgoode Girl Charming Bride

Wednesday, August 29, 1923

A wedding of considerable interest was celebrated quietly in St. Bridget's Church, River Road, Osgoode, yesterday morning, when Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Killy, Osgoode, became the bride of Mr. John W. MacRae, of Alexandria. Rev. Father Frank Corkery, P.P., performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate relatives of both parties. The quaint old, church was taste-fully decorated with fall blooms.
