The esteem in which Raymond McNally, insurance agent and resident of Ottawa for the past 10 years, was held by a wide circle of friends and relatives was indicated by the large attendance at his funeral Saturday morning. Mr. McNally died suddenly at his home, 68 Grange avenue, shortly after noon on Thursday. He was 44.
The funeral was held from his late residence to St. George's Church, Ottawa West, where requiem high mass was chanted by Rev. O’Neill. Rev. W. Nevins was in the sanctuary. The cortege proceeded by motor to Osgoode, where Rev. Frank Tierney chanted a Libera in St. John the Apostle’s Church. Interment was in St. Brigid’s cemetery, River Road, with Father Tierney officiating.
Mr. McNally is mourned by his widow, the former Winnifred Moran; two sons, James and Joseph McNally, and a daughter, Lorraine McNally, all at home; four brothers, Herbert, Richard, Victor and John McNally, all of Ottawa, and a sister, Mrs. Lambert Kelly, of Ottawa.
Many beautiful floral and spiritual tributes were received.