Thomas H. Grant

Monday, January 31, 1938

Thomas H. Grant, proprietor of a general store at Osgoode and well-known resident of that district all his life, died on Sunday at his home there following a brief illness. He was 75 years of age.

Born at Metcalfe, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Grant and moved to Osgoode about 45 years ago to open a general store. He also was a contractor. He was a parishioner of St John’s Church, Osgoode.

Surviving are his widow, formerly Annie Daley; one son, Anthony Grant, at home; five daughters, Rev. Sister M. Flora, of Lindsay, Ont; Rev. Sister Marion, of Peterboro, and Rev. Sister Anna Clare, of Almonte; Miss Gertrude Grant, of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Ottawa, and Miss Ethel Grant, of the staff of Dante Academy, Ottawa.

The funeral will be on Tuesday from his late home to St. John's Church for requiem high mass at 10 a.m. Burial will be in the perish cemetery.

The Ottawa Journal Jan 31st 1938
The Ottawa Journal