Miss Teresa Kelly Ottawa Teacher, Dies

Friday, October 22, 1937

Her many friends in Osgoode end the city will learn with regret of the death on Thursday, in a local hospital, of Miss Teresa Kelly, 58 Hastey avenue.

Miss Kelly, who was 28, came to Ottawa from Osgoode nine years ago. She was a teacher at St Mary’s School, where her likeable disposition had made her popular with both the children and staff.

A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Kelly, of Osgoode, she is survived by five brothers, Dr. Patrick Kelly, Detroit; Leo Kelly, Osgoode; Steven Kelly, Detroit; Rev. Brother Gerald Kelly, of the Oblate Scholasticate, Ottawa, and Louis Kelly, Ottawa; and a sister, Rev. Sister St Augustine, of the Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Assumption College, Sandwich.

The funeral service will be held Sunday at St. Bridget's Church, Osgoode. Interment will be in the church cemetery.

The Ottawa Journal October 22nd 1937
The Ottawa Journal