Pioneer of Osgoode Dies in His 93rd Year

Monday, May 2, 1932

OSGOODE, Ont., May 1 - Moses Doyle, the oldest resident of this place, died at his home here yesterday in his 93rd year, following a short illness. He was one of the best known and highly esteemed men in this vicinity.

Born of Irish parents in the house in which he lived all his life, he assisted them in clearing the land for farming, which work he carried on after them until the time of his death. Mr. Doyle attended St. John's Roman Catholic Church, where he held a high place in the regard of his fellow parishioners.

Twenty years ago he was predeceased by his wife, formerly Catherine Fagan. Three sons, Moses, Detroit; Andrew and John, both of Osgoode; and one daughter, Miss Mary Doyle, survive.

The funeral will be held on Tuesday morning from his late home at 9.30 o'clock (standard time) to St. John’s Church, Osgoode, where service will be chanted by Rev. Father W. F. Tierney at 10 o'clock. Interment will follow in the Catholic cemetery at Osgoode.

The Ottawa Journal May 2nd 1932
The Ottawa Journal