Wednesday, August 13, 1924
Largely attended by relatives and friends, the funeral of Mr. John J. McEvoy, late of Ottawa, and formerly a well-known farmer of Osgoode Township, who died on Sunday, was held at 8.45 o’clock this morning from his residence, 108 Daly avenue, yo St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church. The High Requiem Mass was said by Rev. Father G Finnigan, of St. Joseph’s Church. The chief mourners were five sons; Mr. John McEvoy and Mr. Leo McEvoy, of Osgoode, and Mr. Michael McEvoy, Mr. Ambrose McEvoy and Mr. Dominic McEvoy, all of Ottawa, and one brother Mr. Philip McEvoy, of Osgoode. Interment was made in the Roman Catholic cemetery at Osgoode.
The Ottawa Journal