The Ottawa Journal

Parish of Osgoode Honors Veterans

Thursday, June 26, 1919
The Ottawa Journal July 26th 1919 part 1
The Ottawa Journal July 26th 1919 part 2
The Ottawa Journal July 26th 1919 part 3
The Ottawa Journal July 26th 1919 part 4
The Ottawa Journal July 26th 1919 part 5
Twenty-five Are Presented With Lockets.

Twenty-five war veterans from Osgoode Parish were presented with gold lockets, suitably engraved, and Canadian flags in St. John's Church Hall this week. The presentation and address were made by Rev. Father Frank Corkery, parish priest and witnessed by a large gathering of parishioners.

Father Corkery spoke of the sacrifices the men had made in leaving their homes to defend the honor and very existence of their country. The men, he said, were aware of the dangers which were ahead, but their love of country gave them that patriotic impulse which resulted in their willingness to sacrifice all rather than see the country pass to foreign hands.


The Ottawa Journal

South Osgoode

Monday, September 10, 1917
The Ottawa Journal Sep 10th 1917 part 1
The Ottawa Journal Sep 10th 1917 part 2
The Ottawa Journal Sep 10th 1917 part 3
The Ottawa Journal Sep 10th 1917 part 4
The Ottawa Journal Sep 10th 1917 part 5
The Ottawa Journal Sep 10th 1917 part 6
Major O'Gorman's Appeal
The Ottawa Journal

Has Taken Over Osgoode Parish

Monday, October 26, 1925
The Ottawa Journal October 16th 1925

Rev Father A. Gorman assistant parish priest of St. Brigid's parish of this city is taking over the pastorate of St. John's parish, Osgoode, it was announced yesterday. This will include the St. Brigids' mission parish on the River road near Manotick. Rev. Father John Ainsborough who has had charge of the parish is leaving for the south for his health. Father Gorman celebrated mass in his new parish Sunday.

The Ottawa Journal

Reading For The Parishioners

Friday, August 18, 1899
The Ottawa Journal Aug 18th 1899

Rev. Father McCauley, parish priest of Osgoode, has established a fine library in connection with his parish. This is greatly appreciated by the people of the locality.

The Ottawa Journal

A Jubilee Picnic

Friday, June 11, 1897
The Ottawa Journal June 11th 1897
The Ottawa Journal June 11th 1897 part 2
The Ottawa Journal June 11th 1897 part 3
The Ottawa Journal June 11th 1897 part 4
Big Event Arranged to Take Place in Osgoode Next Week

Next Thursday will be a red letter day with the residents of Osgoode.

The members of Rev. Father McCauley's parish intend holding a monster jubilee picnic on that date, in the grove of Mr. Thomas Herbert, on the Prescott road, and if those who attend do not enjoy themselves it will not be through any fault of the committee in charge.

A splendid programme of sports has been provided, including 100 dash, amateur, first, second and third class; 222 yards dash, amateur, first, second class; high and broad jumps. putting 16 lb. shot and the hop, step and jump.

The events promise to be very closely contested, as entries have been received from Metcalfe, Manotick, North Gower and Kemptville, and from the Ottawa and McGill colleges.

There will be speeches during the afternoon, when it is expected the following gentlemen will give addresses: Messrs. W. C. Edwards, M.P., N. A. Belcourt, M.P., M. K. Dickenson, ex-M.P., G. L. Dickenson, ex-M. P., Geo. O'Keefe, M.P.P, P. Baskerville. ex-M.P.P., E. N. Hurtubise, J. L. Dowling, M. J. Gorman and Charles Murphy.

Music will be furnished by Valentine's orchestra, the Metcalfe silver band, and by Pipe Major T. Richardson of the Caledonian Society.

As the road out to the grove is in splendid condition. It is expected a large number of bicyclists will ride out from here. The distance is about 15 miles.

The Ottawa Journal

Sport Programme At Osgoode Picnic

Friday, August 22, 1924
The Ottawa Journal August 22nd 1924

Rev. Father J. J. Ainsborough of St. John's church Osgoode, has announced that the sports programme postponed from Civic Holiday owing to interference by the weather, will be run off with other picnic features at Doyle's Grove, Rideau river road, Osgoode, on Saturday afternoon. A feature will be a tug-of-war between R C M P and Bell Telephone teams for the Bilsky Challenge Trophy. The programme of field sports will start soon after 2.30 p.m. daylight savings and a crowd is expected from Ottawa.

The Ottawa Journal

Irish Programme At Osgoode Parish

Tuesday, March 18, 1924
The Ottawa Journal March 18th 1924
The Ottawa Journal March 18th 1924 part 2
The Ottawa Journal March 18th 1924 part 3

A delightful Irish comedy was staged at St. John's Parish Hall, Osgoode, by local talent on St. Patrick's night. The play presented was "Kathleen Mavourneen" and the big audience which completely filled the hall gave the various actors a splendid reception.

The parts were all well taken and the Misses Alma MacGillivray and Myrtle Allen in the chief female characters. David's daughter and the squire's sister, acted with a charm and finish seldom seen outside of metropolitan centres. Terence O'Moore, the leading man's role, was filled in a most creditable manner by Mr. William Dewan. The other members of the cast maintained the high standard set by the principals. Those taking part in the play were the Misses Alma MacGillvray, Myrtle Allen, Emma Dewan, and Messrs James, William and Bernard Dewan. Michael Murphy, Raymond Herbert and William Wakeling.

Mrs. W. H. Foran of Ottawa, delighted the audience with several song and dance numbers, and the artistry of both her vocal and stepping efforts met with enthusiastic apprecintion.

Not the least pleasing feature of the entertainment was the talented playing of the orchestra, which included Miss Kaye Muir and Messrs G. Belot and W. Wakeling.


The Ottawa Journal

Osgoode Annual Picnic

Wednesday, August 9, 1922
The Ottawa Journal August 9th 1922

Come to a real country picnic Saturday, August 12th Osgoode Annual Picnic Doyle's Grove, Rideau River, Above Long Island. Programme of Sports. Excellent Orchestra. Meals Served on Grounds at All Hours.

The Ottawa Journal

St. John's (Osgoode) Picnic

Saturday, August 16, 1924
The Ottawa Journal August 16th 1924

Postponed From Aug. 4th

The Ottawa Journal

Picnic At Osgoode Is Marked Success

Monday, August 14, 1922
The Ottawa Journal August 22nd 1922
The Ottawa Journal August 22nd 1922 part 2
The Ottawa Journal August 22nd 1922 part 3
The Ottawa Journal August 22nd 1922 part 4
The Ottawa Journal August 22nd 1922 part 5
Excellent Programme of Sports At Doyle's Grove.

Despite many counter-attractions a splendid crowd attended the annual Osgoode Picnic at Doyle's Grove. Prescott road, Saturday afternoon when a lively programme of sports and a bazaar were conducted in aid of the building fund of St. John's Church, Osgoode, of which Rev. Frank Corkery is the parish priest. He was ably assisted in the supervision of the work by Rev. G. H. Gorman, who had been in charge of the parish suring the past year, and Rev. F. Tierney, who had direct charge of the athletic events. Many picnickers motored out from the city and others traveled by automobile, rig and train for many miles in order to participate in the enjoyable event, with the result that a substantial sum was realized for the church.

A number of prominent athletes of Ottawa took part in the competitions, the winner of the all-round championship being Charlie Summers. Dancing, which was free to all, was enjoyed by the many young people until dusk, an excellent orchestra and a fine floor making conditions ideal for this feature. Meals were served in true country picnic style, the dense growth of trees affording ahelter from the heat of the sun.

The result of the sports: Running broad jump -- 1, Ed. McLaughlin, Ottawa Police; 2, A. Houlahan: height 5 feet, 2 inches. Runing broad jump -- 1, Ed. McLaughlin, 20 feet 8 inches; 2, Leo McCaffrey, 19 feet, 7 inches. 16-lb. shot ptu -- 1, M. Watters, 34 feet 2 inches; 2, Leo McCaffrey, 31 feet 1 inch. 100-yards, open -- 1, Leo McCaffrey; 2, C. Summers; 3, Ed. McLaughlin. Hop, step and jump -- 1, Charles Summers, 42 feet 3 1-2 inches; 2, Ed. McLaughlin, 41 feet, 2 inches. 220-yard dash, open -- 1, C. Summers; 2, Leo McCaffrey. Boot race -- 1, C. Summers; 2, A. Patterson; 3, Tourangeau. Potato race -- 1, Leo McCaffrey; 2, C. Summers; 3, Tourangeau. Wheelbarrow race -- Summers and McCaffrey; 2, Patterson and Tourangeau.

Officials in charge of the sports included Rev. F. Tierney, W. M. Gladish, of the Journal Newspapers, Ed. Mahoney and others.


The Ottawa Journal