The funeral of Mrs. Patrick Shields, of Osgoode. who died on Sunday, was held on Tuesday to St. John's church. Osgoode. requiem mass was chanted by Rev. Father Brownrigg, and thence to the adjoining cemetery, where Interment was made. The four sons of deceased acted as pallbearers.
Mrs. Shields, who was one of the moat respected residents of that community, died on Sunday, following an Illness of eight months. She was in her 71st year. Her maiden name was Mary McEvoy, and she was a daughter of the late John McEvoy.
In 1866 she married Patrick Shields, who predeceased her by twenty-four years. For a few years following their marriage they resided at North Gower, but later returned to Osgoode.
Mrs. Shields leaves four sons: Patrick, of Osgoode: John. Timothy and Edwin, of Ottawa, and four daughters: Mrs. John Dewan, Mrs. John Herbert, Mrs. Terrence Daley and Mrs. Michael Herbert, all of Osgoode. She also leaves two brothers, John and Philip, of Osgoode, and two sisters, Mrs. Patrick Kelly, of Bray'a Crossing, and Mrs. Bernard Brennan, of Ottawa, as well as twenty-six grandchildren.
Among the spiritual offerings were those of Mr. and Mrs. M. Herbert, Miss Josie Shields, Mr. and Mrs. John Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. John Dewan, Miss Mary Shields, Andrew and Mary A. Doyle, John Shields and family, Miss A. McEvoy, H. Brennan, P. J. Shields, Mr. and Mrs. D. O’Connor, Mr. and Mrs. P. McCartin, Miss V. I Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. John McCartin, Miss O. Gillessie, Mr. and Mrs. B. Brennan, Miss J. McEvoy, Miss M. McEvoy, Patrick and Cecelia Laplant, Mr. and Mrs. B. Laplant, P. Shields, A. Shields, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. P. McEvoy, Mrs. R. Cleland, Mr. and Mrs. T. Daley, John Dewan and family, Mrs. T. Shields, Reginald and Joseph Shields, Miss Annie Brennan, E. Shields, Mrs. D. Kelly, Mrs. Thos. Shields, Mr. and Mrs. T. Shields, Misses M. and B. Shields.