With a programme of exceptional merit and an audience that crowded the building to capacity, the Christmas concert in St. John's Parish Hall, Osgoode, was an unqualified success. Local talent assisted by a number of entertainers from Ottawa, presented a programme of such merit as to make the event the best of its kind held in the parish hall for several years.
The presentation of the "Christmas Carol" by members of St. John's parish was a treat. The portrayal of "Scrooge" by Mr. Bernard Dewan stamped the latter as an actor of ability, while the work of James Dewan and William Dewan, as "Bob Cratchit" and "Marley" respectively, was deserving of high prais. Lawrence Blanchfield made an acceptable "Fred" and as "Tiny Tim," Ethel Grant won scores of admirers. The interpretations of other roles by Miss Mary Cleland and William Dewan were up to the high standard set by their associates.
Misses Ida and Emma Chartrand and Mr. Velmer Chartrand, also of St. John's parish, in several musical numbers, were repeatedly sncored. Their numbers were a feature of the programme.
The dances of the Misses Marjorie and Leonora Walsh, of Ottawa, were performed with skill and grace and were very pleasing. Miss Gladys Walsh and Miss Peggy McLean were heard to advantage in several appropriate songs. Miss Margaret Lyons acted as accompanist in a most satisfactory manner.
A one-act playlet by the St. Patrick's Dramatic and Social Club, Ottawa, was enthusiastically received. Those taking part were Messrs. C. Foran, L. Perkins, G. Berrigan, G. McLewin, P. Perkins, G. Raganold, O'Connor, E. Fermoyle, J. Byrne, B. Mulroy and J. Armstrong.
Arrangements for the concert were supervised by Rev. Gerald Gorrman, rector of St. John's Church.