The Ottawa Journal

St. John's CWL

Thursday, October 28, 1971
The Ottawa Journal October 28th 1971

St. John's CEL, Osgoode will hold their annual bazaar and smorgasbord at St. John's Parish Hall, Old Prescott Road, Osgoode on Saturday, Nov. 6 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The Ottawa Journal

Catholic Women's League

Thursday, October 4, 1945
The Ottawa Journal October 4th 1945

The 22nd annual diocesan convention of the Catholic Women's League of Canada, Archdiocese of Ottawa, will be held at Osgoode, Ont., October 6 and 7, 1945. St. John's subdivision, Osgoode and St. Brigid's subdivision Manotick, will be hostesses. Formal opening, Saturday, October 6, 7.30 p.m. Convention mass, St. John's, Osgoode, at 9.00 a.m.. Sunday evening. Capt. the Rev P. C. Harris, P. P., St. Isidore's Church, South March, will be guest speaker at the convention dinner Sunday evening.

The Ottawa Journal

Temperance Concert

Monday, December 31, 1900
The Ottawa Journal December 31st 1900

The young men of St. John's parish, Osgoode, of which Rev. Father McCauley is parish priest, have arranged to hold a concert and euchre party in St. John's Temperance Hall, Osgoode, in the course of a few days.

The Ottawa Journal

Won a 1,000 Mile Ticket

Wednesday, January 10, 1900
The Ottawa Journal January 1st 1900

In the recent drawing for prizes in the tombola in aid of St. John's Temperance Hall, in Dawson, Osgoode, the capital prize, a 1,000-mile ticket over the Canada Atlantic Railway, was won by James O'Rourke of Osgoode. The other prize-winners were as follows: C. Dineen, J. M. McEvoy, John Tobin and Thomas Grant.

The concert in aid of the hall, which is to be held on Tuesday next, January 16th, promises to be a successful affair. Already over half the seats in the hall have been taken for the occasion.

The Ottawa Journal

Entries Coming in for Osgoode Picnic

Wednesday, July 14, 1920
The Ottawa Journal July 14th 1920
The Ottawa Journal July 14th 1920 part 2
The Ottawa Journal July 14th 1920 part 3
Special Attractions Attract Record Number of Competitors.

Entries for the picnic at Osgoode to be held in aid of St. John's Church are pouring in to the committee. Particularly keen is the interest in the shot put, the pole vault and the childrens events. The spirints are going to bring out a record array of talent. The 100 yard and 220 dash and one mile run are expected to bring out the cream of Ottawa athletes.

The prizes which are being awarded are well worth competing for. The track has been laid on the turf and this will ensure protection against injuries to competitors. While the athletic events will be primary in importance they are not by any means the sole attraction. Everything that goes to make a picnic enjoyable will be offered. Side shows, dancing and the other attractive and compelling features will form part of the main entertainment.

Osgoode is famous for its successes of other years and judging by the pains being taken by Father Corkery and his associates this year will eclipse all former efforts.

The Knights of Columbus are going to send their strongest nine against their ancient rivals from Ottawa East. A special cup has been donated for this contest and it is possible that the Knights will have the services of Bill Skuce, the famous hurler of St. Pats, who has struck out 80 men in seven games. An orchestra has been provided and will dispence "jass" during the picnic. Different artistic booths, waited on by pretty girls, will be the dispensaries of favors. Special trains will convey people to and from the grounds.


The Ottawa Journal

Annual Picnic

Sunday, July 14, 1918
The Ottawa Journal July 14th 1918

The Annual Picnic of St. John's Church, Osgoode, Ont., will be held on Saturday. July 27th, at McEvoy's Grove. There will be a full program of sports for young and old. Busses and automobiles will leave the corner of Bank and Sunnyside avenue, for the convenience of Ottawa visitors, every hour from 12 p.m., July 27th.

The Ottawa Journal

Splendid Attendance At Osgoode Picnic

Monday, July 18, 1927
The Ottawa Journal July 18th 1927
The Ottawa Journal July 18th 1927 part 2
The Ottawa Journal July 18th 1927 part 3
The Ottawa Journal July 18th 1927 part 4
Good High and Broad Jumping Feature of Sports.

All the fun of a fair was to be had at McEvoy's Grove, near Osgoode, Ont., on Saturday afternoon and evening, when crowds from all over the countryside, with many friends from Ottawa, took part in the annual picnic of St. John's Roman Catholic church, Osgoode.

Rev. Father A. J. Gorman, P.P. who had charge of the picnic, expressed satisfaction with the annual outing, and stated that the attendance was excellent considering the early morning threat of rain. There was an excellent midway, which was thronged from noon until late evening with merry-makers.

Many From Ottawa.

Many Ottawa people took a special bus from Bank and Sunnyside avenue, at 2.15 o'clock, and reached the picnic grounds before three o'clock.

Assisting Rev. Father Gorman on the grounds was Rev. Father Corkery, parish priest of South Gloucester, who was in charge of the sports programme which was the centre of attraction during the late afternoon. It was seen that Osgoode has some excellent athletes, and splendid exhibitions were given particularly in the jumps. In the broad jump a length of 19 1-2 feet was the winning span, while a height of 9 feet 7 inches was attained in the pole vault.

The annual social of the parish will take place tonight. Results of Saturday's sports follow --

Winners of Prizes.

100 yards dash, boys under 12 == 1, Leo Blanchfield, winning a belt donated by G. Cohen, of Osgoode Station; 2, Lorne McEvoy, winning a tie, donated by T. A. Hicks, Metcalfe; 3, Lesilie McEvoy, who won a set of cuff-links, donated by Thereesa Dewan, Osgoode Station.
100 yards, girls under 12 -- 1, Irene Cleland, winning a string of beads, donated by Desmarais and Robitaille, Ltd., Ottawa; 2, Marguerite Clarke, winning an umbrella, donated by O. Simpson, Metcalfe.
100 yards open -- 1, C. Adams, who won $2; 2, A. Houlahan, who won $1, both prizes being donated by Rev. Father Corkery.
Broad jump -- 1, A. Houlahan, winning a gold watch chain, donated by McEvoy Bros., Ottawa; 2, Stuart McVeigh, Ottawa., winning a belt, donated by E. Rolston, of Metcalfe.
High jump -- 1, Stuart McVeigh, jumping five feet, and winning $2, donated by A. Goulet, M.P.; 2, A. Houlahan, winning $1, donated by A. Goulet, M.P.
Pole Vault -- 1, A. Houlahan, jumping nine feet, seven inches, and winning $2, donated by Aurelien Belanger, M.L.A.; 2, L. Davis winning $1, donated by Mr. Belanger.

There was a closely contested tugo-war event in which a team of single men defeated a team of married men, and won a bag o' flower, donated by Patrick Shields, of Osgoode Station.


The Ottawa Journal

Grand Picnic in aid of St. John's Church

Friday, July 16, 1926
The Ottawa Journal July 16th 1926

Grand Picnic in aid of St. John's Church, Osgoode, in McEvoy's Grove, old Prescott road, via Greely, Saturday, July 17, Busses leave corner Bank and Sunnyside ave. for grounds at 12, 1, 2, and 3, advanced time.

The Ottawa Journal

St. John's Church Picnic At Osgoode Is Great Success

Wednesday, July 2, 1930
The Ottawa Journal July 2nd 1930
The Ottawa Journal July 2nd 1930 part 2
The Ottawa Journal July 2nd 1930 part 3
The Ottawa Journal July 2nd 1930 part 4
The Ottawa Journal July 2nd 1930 part 5
Large Number Attend Outing of Parish, Many of R.C. Clergy Also Being Present.

Despite the unfavorable weather forecast which promised thundershowers, there was a very large attendance at the picnic held at Osgoode yesterday under the auspices of St. John's Roman Catholic Church, and the weather was for the most part faverable to the outing. which was judged a huge success.

Rev. Father A. J. Gorman, the parish priest, welcomed many members of the clergy from other parishes in the Ottawa district, and a host of old parishioners and friends returned to Osgoode to join the people of St. John's in a most happy occasion.

Fine Sports Program.

A program of sports was run off in the afternoon on the grounds adjoining the church, and refreshments were served under canvas by the busy dinner commitiee. Several times during the day a heavy shower of rain was threatened, and it did rain slightly on two occasions. The showers were not sufficient to dampen the enthusiasm of the picnickers, however, and did not interfere with the regular program of the day.

Among the visiting members of the clergy at the picnic were: Rev. Father F. Corkery, South Gloucester; Rev. Father Gerald Gorman, Huntley; Rev. Father O'Toole, Pakenham; Rev Father McCauley, Fallowfield; Rev. Father J. J. Burke, Ottawa; Rev. Father L. M. Curtin, Ottawa; Rev. Father P. C. Harris, Metcalfe; Rev. Father John O'Neil, Ottawa; and Rev. Father J. T. Brownrigg, Ottawa.

The sports events were keenly contested, particularly the high and vroad jumps, and one of the chief events of the day was the horseshoe pitching contest, in which eight local champions were matched.

Results of the sporting events follows: High jump (prizes donated by C. A. Seguin, M.L.A., K.C.) -- 1. G. O'Callaghan, 4 feet, 8 inches; 2, Lea Hammill.
Broad jump (prizes donated by Alex. Marion, Rockland) -- 1, Leo Hammell, 17 feet, one inch; 2, M. Finley.
100 yards dash, open (prizes donated by Alex. Marion, Rockland) -- 1, M. Finley; 2, H. Blanchfield.
Boys under 12 years, 50 yards dash (prizes donated by John Ralph, Osgoode) -- 1, Oliver McElroy; 2, Alonzo Grant.
Boys over 12 years, 50 yards dash (prizes donated by John Ralph, Osgoode) -- 1, Leo Blanchfield; 2, Walter Clelland.
Girls race, open, 50 yards dash (prizes donated by Mrs. Chapman, Osgoode) -- 1, Mary Kelly; 2, Mary Blanchfield.

In the horse-shoe pitching contest, the first place was won by Fred Thompson and Frank Dowser, as a team, and the second place went to Jack Hurley and V. Marion. Prizes in this event, also were donated by Alex. Marion, the Conservative candidate in Russell County.

Early in the afternoon C. A. Seguin and Alex. Marion visited the picnic at Osgoode, but were on their way to a political gathering at Limoges, and did not address the gathering.

Girls' Ball Game.

During the day an impromptu girls' ball game was held, with the following young ladies taking part: the Misses Margaret Callaghan, Mary Hogan, Mary Burke, Irene Carter, Alice Maloney, Agnes Scissons, Mary Foy and Brigid Neville.

Much of the success of the picnic was due to the energy and untiring effort of those on the various committees. Those responsible for the conduct of the picnic included:

Grounds committee, Thomas Grant, Michael Daley, Philip McEvoy, Hugh Clelland, John Doyle, Sr., Jack McEvoy, William Dewan, Howard Leahy, Ray McEvoy, Pat McEvoy, Leo McEvoy, David Lemieux, Thomas Shields, John H. McEwen, Charles Blanchfield, and William O'Brien.
Refreshment Committee, Thomas McEvoy, Stephen Herbert, Kenneth McEvoy, Lionel McEvoy, Anna Herbert, Lettie Dewan, and Leopold Lemieux.
Fancy work committee, John J. O'Callaghan, Ambrose Herbert, Mrs. J. J. O'Callaghan, Mrs. James Dewan, Ethel Grant, Mary Herbert, Frida Clelland, and Mildred Ralph.
Candy and fish-pond committee, Harold Clelland, Donald McEvoy, Leonard Blanchfield, Theresa Dewan, Miss McKiernan, Miss O'Neill, and Ida Burns.
Miscellaneous committee, Orphir Lemieux, Thomas Daley, Augustin McEvoy, Joseph Herbert, John Ralph.
St. John's Hall committee, James Dewan, Charles McGuire, and William Herbert.
Auto parking committee, Pat Shields, Thomas O'Rourke, John Hurley, Joseph Turner, John O'Rourke, George Burns, Andrew Doyle, Sr., Alonzo Daley, Joseph Carriere and Bernard Dewan.
Dinner committee, John R. Blanchfield, Ernie Blanchfield, Mr. and Mrs. Nap, Faubert, Miss Mary A. Doyle, Mrs. J. R. Blanchfield, John Doyle, Sr., Peter Daley, Michael Herbert, Roe McKenna, Mrs. Philip McEvoy, Mrs. J. H. McEwan, Mrs. Leo McEvoy, Mrs. Alois Herbert, Mrs. James Shields, Miss. Mary E. Doyle, Mrs. O. Lemieux, Mrs. J. Brisson, Mrs. George Burns, Mrs. Thomas Daley, Bruno Lemieux, Howard Blanchfield, Lorne McEvoy, Desmond McEvoy, Mrs. John McEvoy, Mrs. Patrick McEvoy, Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke, Mrs. Thomas Grant, Mrs. Ray McEvoy, Mrs. Augustine McEvoy, Mrs. John Gosson, Mrs. Hugh Clelland, Mrs. Thomas McEvoy, Mrs. Charles McGuire, Mrs. Bernard Dewan, Mrs. Pat. Shields, Mrs. John Devereux, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Brisson, Jr., Mrs. Brigid Shields, Miss N. Daley, Mrs. Joseph Carriere, Mrs. Alonzo Daley, Mrs. R. Mckenna, Micheal Murphy, Leo Blanchfield, Leslie McEvoy, Bernard McEvoy, Walter Clelland, Thomas O'Brien, Ray Herbert, and Al. Herbert.


The Ottawa Journal

Blessing Is Held Osgoode Rectory

Monday, October 21, 1935
The Ottawa Journal October 21st 1935
Tea and Money Shower, Later Is Attended by Many

Many parishioners and Ottawa friends were present Sunday afternoon for the solemn blessing of St. John's parish rectory, Osgoode, The new building was erected under Rev. Father Frank Tierney, parish priest, and it replaced the rectory which was destroyed by fiew last May.

Monsignor Joseph Charbonneau, Vicar General, officiated, assisted by Rev. Father Tierney, Rev. Father George D. Prudhomme, and Rev. Father Francis Corkery. Other members of the clergy present included Rev. Father J. R. Smith, and Rev. Father A. Daley, Among the many Ottawa residents present was Mayor Nolan.

Following the blessing by Mgr. Charbonneau, a tea and money shower was held at the rectory. Conveners were the Miss Essie Shields, Mary Brennan, and Nita McDonald. Guests were received by Father Tierney, Mrs. J. Dewan, and Mrs. T. Kelly.

Those who poured tea were: Mrs. T. W. Asselin, Mrs. C. Dolan, Mrs. P. Devine, Mrs. P. J. Nolan, Mrs. L Davies, Miss Ishbel Hutton, Miss R. Rooney. Mrs. William Bambrick, Mrs. J. D. Larose, Mrs. Robert Devine, Mrs. J. A. MacCabe, Miss M. Mundy.

Assisting at the tea tables were the Misses Mildred Ralph, Phyllis McEvoy, Gertrude Cleland, Loretta Cleland, Mary Blanchfield, Ethel Grant, Eleanor Grody, Emma Dewan, Hilda Kenedy, Isabel Morel, Lillian Casey, Doris Casey. The Misses Gertrude Grant and Margaret Dewan received money contributions.

Among those who provided the delightful entertainment were Allan Martin, Herbert Hill, Miss Gladys Jones, Miss Mary Johnston, Miss Lillian Casey and Charles O'Reilly.


The Ottawa Journal