The Ottawa Journal

Lawn Social Held In Aid of Church

Wednesday, August 16, 1944
The Ottawa Journal August 16th 1944

A successful lawn social was held August 5, in aid of St. John's Church, Prescott road. The following were the prize winners: $25 bond, Henry Nolanm Osgoode; $15 bond, Wilbert Brophy, Richmond; $10 bond, Mde. Leo Parker. 62 Beechwood avenue, Eastview. A handmade quilt was won by Aelred McGuire of Osgoode.


The Ottawa Journal

Coming Events

Tuesday, August 14, 1934
The Ottawa Journal August 14th 1934

Lawn social, Wednesday, August 15, at Osgoode, via old Prescott Road. Free O.E.R. bus service at 8 p.m. D.S.T. from corner of Lyon and Wellington streets. Chicken supper 35c at 8.30; games, booths, orchestra, etc, W. F. Tierney, P.P.


The Ottawa Journal

St. John's Osgoode Elects Slate

Saturday, April 22, 1967
The Ottawa Journal April 22nd 1967
The Ottawa Journal April 22nd 1967

OSGOODE (Special) -- Mrs. Derrick Partridge was elected president of St. John's Catholic Women's League at the church hall. She succeeds Mrs. Ernest Blanchfield.

Other members of the executive are: vice-presidents, Mrs. Michael Daly, Mrs. Clarence Murray, Mrs. John Brady; secretaries, Mrs. Gilbert Thompson, and Mrs. Vince McEvoy; tresurer, Mrs. Joe Burns.

The Ottawa Journal

Special Jubilee Church Service Held.

Thursday, June 24, 1897
The Ottawa Journal June 24th 1897

June 23. -- The picnic given by Rev. McCauley on the 17th inst., in Herbert's grove was a success finacially and otherwize. So also was the social the following evening in the same grove.

Rev. Clayton gave a very interesting address to a large audience in St. Paul's church on the life of the Queen, last Sunday. A special jubilee service was held that day.

The volunteers are home again after two weeks drill.

The Ottawa Journal

Appreciate His Work

Wednesday, October 3, 1923
The Ottawa Journal October 3rd 1923

Father Frank Corkery parish priest at South Gloucester, formerly of Osgoode parish, was presented on Sunday last with an electric percolator and silver service by his former parishioners, in appreciation of his excellent work in their district. The presentation was made at his new rectory, and the gifts were presented by Miss Allen, school teacher at South Osgoode.

The Ottawa Journal

Osgoode Parish Has Excellent Concert

Friday, December 23, 1921
The Ottawa Journal December 23rd 1921 part 1
The Ottawa Journal December 23rd 1921 part 2
The Ottawa Journal December 23rd 1921 part 3
The Ottawa Journal December 23rd 1921 part 4
The Ottawa Journal December 23rd 1921 part 5
Large Audience Enjoys Christmas Entertainment

With a programme of exceptional merit and an audience that crowded the building to capacity, the Christmas concert in St. John's Parish Hall, Osgoode, was an unqualified success. Local talent assisted by a number of entertainers from Ottawa, presented a programme of such merit as to make the event the best of its kind held in the parish hall for several years.

The presentation of the "Christmas Carol" by members of St. John's parish was a treat. The portrayal of "Scrooge" by Mr. Bernard Dewan stamped the latter as an actor of ability, while the work of James Dewan and William Dewan, as "Bob Cratchit" and "Marley" respectively, was deserving of high prais. Lawrence Blanchfield made an acceptable "Fred" and as "Tiny Tim," Ethel Grant won scores of admirers. The interpretations of other roles by Miss Mary Cleland and William Dewan were up to the high standard set by their associates.

Misses Ida and Emma Chartrand and Mr. Velmer Chartrand, also of St. John's parish, in several musical numbers, were repeatedly sncored. Their numbers were a feature of the programme.

The dances of the Misses Marjorie and Leonora Walsh, of Ottawa, were performed with skill and grace and were very pleasing. Miss Gladys Walsh and Miss Peggy McLean were heard to advantage in several appropriate songs. Miss Margaret Lyons acted as accompanist in a most satisfactory manner.

A one-act playlet by the St. Patrick's Dramatic and Social Club, Ottawa, was enthusiastically received. Those taking part were Messrs. C. Foran, L. Perkins, G. Berrigan, G. McLewin, P. Perkins, G. Raganold, O'Connor, E. Fermoyle, J. Byrne, B. Mulroy and J. Armstrong.

Arrangements for the concert were supervised by Rev. Gerald Gorrman, rector of St. John's Church.


The Ottawa Journal

Anti-treating Pledge

Wednesday, April 26, 1899
The Ottawa Journal April 26th 1899

The anti-treating temperance movement inaugurated by Rev. Father McCauley of Osgoode is rapidly spreading through the parish of Osgoode. Last Sunday Father McCauley administered the pledge to the congregation at the River Mission. The members of Manotick Court. Catholic Order of Foresters, have all taken the anti-treating pledge.

The Ottawa Journal

Mrs. Timlin Heads C. W. L. Council

Tuesday, October 9, 1945
The Ottawa Journal October 9th 1945 part 1
The Ottawa Journal October 9th 1945 part 2
The Ottawa Journal October 9th 1945 part 3
The Ottawa Journal October 9th 1945 part 4
The Ottawa Journal October 9th 1945 part 5
The Ottawa Journal October 9th 1945 part 6
The Ottawa Journal October 9th 1945 part 7

The 22nd anual convention of the Ottawa Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women's League of Canada was opened on Saturday at Saint John's church, Osgoode, Ontario, with Rev. J. J. Burke P.P., St. Patrick's church, Fallowfield, Ontario, as special speaker at the dinner, Saturday evening, Saint John's Subdivision, Osgoode and St. Brigid's Subdivision, Manotick, with Rev. E. Maloney, P.P., as chaplain, and Mrs. Thos. Doyle, respective presidents, were hosts.

The Ottawa Journal

Choir's Annual Outing

Monday, September 15, 1919
The Ottawa Journal September 15th 1919

The annual outing of the choir of Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church was held on Sunday at Osgoode. About 35 men and boy members of the choir left the city in motor cars for St. John's church, Osgoode, where the day was spent. In St. John's Church the choir Beautifully rendered "Marso's Mass in F.". under the leadership of Miss Benoit and Sydney Harris, organist and in the evening there was Benediction services. The Rev. Father Corkery, parish priest of Osgoode, entertained the choir to dinner and supper and they returned to Ottawa Sunday evening.


The Ottawa Journal

Old Osgoode Church Takes on New Look

Tuesday, August 17, 1948
The Ottawa Journal August 17th 1948 part 1
The Ottawa Journal August 17th 1948 part 2
The Ottawa Journal August 17th 1948 part 3

St. Brigid's picturesque mission church on the River road, Osgoode, has taken on a new look.

Recent examination of the vestibule and steeple showed there was danger of the big bell falling on the worshippers. Workmen were called in and the front entrance and bell tower practiclly rebuilt. The interior of the church was cleaned and redecorated to such an extent that old parishioners who hadn't seen it recently hardly recognized the ancient edifice last Sunday.

The number of permanent parishioners of St. Brigid's is not large, but in Summer for Sunday mass the little church is jammed to overflowing by occupants of Summer cottages along the Rideau.

Father Ernest Maloney, the parish priest at Osgoode, is pleased about all the compliments on the face-lifting job, but is also somewhat anxious about paying the contractors. To help meet the bill he and the parishioners have arranged a "gala night" at the Lighthouse. on the Rideau, Wednesday evening, to which the whole countryside has been invited.


The Ottawa Journal