The Ottawa Journal

Jno. J. Sullivan

Thursday, July 23, 1896
The Ottawa Journal Jul 23rd 1896

The remains of Jno. J. Sullivan, who died at Brooklyn, N. Y., were removed from the city to-day by S. Rogers & Co. to West Ossgoode for Interment. Rev. Father McCauley of St. Patrick’s church and Rev. Father Miraud of Billings' Bridge accompanied the remains to West Osgoode.


Patrick Kelly

Thursday, July 11, 1895
The Ottawa Journal Jul 11th 1895

Mr. P. Kelly, alter many months of suffering passed peacefully away to Join the silent majority on June 30th at the early age of 27 years. The remains were Interred In the R. C. cemetery, Osgoode.


A very pretty wedding

Tuesday, July 20, 1897

A very pretty wedding was solomnized in St. Bridget's church, Osgoode. on Wednesday. July 14th, when Mr. Joseph Purcell of Ottawa led to the altar one of our fairest maidens in the person of Miss Katie McNeely. The bride was assisted by her sister. Sarah, while the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. P. Purcell. The happy young couple left on the 3 p. m. train amidst showers of rice and old slippers for Montreal and Quebec, carrying with them the goods wishes of a host of friends.


Shields - Kelly

Friday, June 29, 1923

A pretty June wedding took place at St. John's Church, Osgoode, on Wednesday morning. June 27, of Miss Mary Kathleen, youngest daughter of Mr. William Kelly, to Mr. Patrick Shields, son of Mrs. Thomas Shields, all of Osgoode. Rev. Father Corkery performed the ceremony. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Andrew Kelly.


Late James E. Blanchfield

Thursday, December 13, 1917
The Ottawa Journal December 13th 1917

As Osgoode, Ont., Jas. E. Blanchfield. A well known resident, died recently after an illness lasting three weeks. He had been in declining health for the past few years. He always took an active part in municipal and political affairs and for many years was public school trustee. He was predeceased,. three years ago, by his wife, Elizabeth Daley, and is survived by a family of four; Norbert, Gertrude, Evelyn and Lorne, all at home, also three brothers, Patrick, of Mountain, Ont.; John, of Ottawa, and Charles of Osgoode, Ont:, and one sister, Mrs. S. T. McEvoy, of Ottawa. The funeral took place to St. John's Church and cemetery. It was largely attended. Rev. Father Corkery officiated. Six nephews of the deceased, Charles, Frank and Austin Blanchfield, Gus McEvoy, Fred Kelly and Alonso Daley were pallbearers.


Mrs. Charles Blanchfield

Monday, February 5, 1917
The Ottawa Journal Feb 5th 1917
The Ottawa Journal Feb 5th 1917

The funeral of the late Mrs. Charles Blanchfield who died at her home In Osgoode, Ont, took place to Osgoode station recently. The deceaaed was 54 years of age.
The cortege left her late residence for St. John’s Church. Osgoode, where requiem mass was  sung by Rev. Father Corkery. Interment was mode In Osgoode cemetery.
Besides her husband she is survived by her one daughter, Mrs. Edward McEvoy, of Ottawa, and six sons. Gordon of Burbidge, Que., Austin of Saskatoon, Sask., Thomas of Dinsmore, Sask., and Charles, Frank and Wilfrid at home; two sisters, Mrs. W. Blanchfield. Santa Maria, Cal., and Mrs. J. Sarsfield. Haileybury, and five brothers. Peter Dolan, of Marshfield. Ore., Michael Dolan, of Gardiner, Ore., Joseph, of Portage Du Fort, Que.. and Frank and Thomas Dolan, of Ottawa.

Spiritual offerings were received from the following: Her husband and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward McEvoy. Mr. and Mr. J. E. Dolan. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sarsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dolan, James Blanchfield and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. McEvoy, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blanchfield. Marcella and Leo Dolan, Miss Minnie Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ?????, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dewan, and Mrs. Patrick O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Dewan. Charles Mooney, Miss Annie Lowrey, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCartin, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McEvoy. Owen McCartin, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McEvoy, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle and family, Mice Eunice Foley, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cleland, Mr. and Mrs. Leo. McEvoy, Mr. and Mrs. John Hebert, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Callighan, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hebert, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Daly. Mrs. Rolland Cleland. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daley, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Martin, Mrs. Oliver Cleland, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grant.


Married Yesterday

Wednesday, October 18, 1899

MARRIED YESTERDAY. — James Burns of Gloucester and Miss Catherine Jordan, daughter of Mr. John Jordan of Osgoode, were united in marriage in the Catholic church at Dawson yesterday morning. Rev. Father McCauley, the parish priest, performed the ceremony. Thomas Jordan, brother of the bride, was best man. and Miss Annie Burns, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid.


Dawson News

Monday, September 11, 1899
The Ottawa Journal September 11th 1899
Sept. 9.—-Miss Scott of Ottawa, is a guest at the home of Mrs. Ed. Blanchfield.
  Miss Cavannagh, of Ottawa, is visiting at Mr. Andrew Doyle's.
  Rev. Father McCauley was in Ottawa last Monday.
  Miss McCauley arrived home last Monday after spending three weeks of a very enjoyable vacation at her home.
  Miss Blanchfield, of Ottawa, is visiting at her home here.
  Miss Emma McEvoy. teacher in Nepean, arrived home last Monday to attend her grandmother's funeral.

  The angel of death has again visited this vicinity and taken from our midst an old and highly respected resident of this place in the person of, Mrs. John McEvoy, who has been confined to her home for some time. The funeral, which was a large one, took place last Monday from her son’s reslidence to St. John’s church, where a grand requiem mass was chanted by Rev. Father McCauley, P.P. Mrs. McEvoy had lived to the ripe old age of ninety and leaves a grown-up family of four sons and four daughters to mourn her loss. They are Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Shields, Mrs. McCartin, Mrs. Brennan and Messrs. John, Richard and Philip, all of this place, and Mr. Edward, of Ohio.


North Gower

Tuesday, November 12, 1889
The Ottawa Journal Nov 12th 1889

November, 11.—On Tuesday Nov. 5th there passed away at the ripe age of 84 years, one of the earliest settlers of the township of Osgoode, Elizabeth, widow of the late Anthony Doyle, who died about 22 years ago. The deceased lady, with her husband came to this country in 1847 from County Carlow, Ireland, and settled upon the homestead which she occupied until the hour of her death, being of late years under the care of her son James, the present owner of the farm. Deceased was a devout Catholic, zealous and faithful in good works, and the esteem in which she was held in the churoh, was evident from the fact of her former pastor, now retired through age and infirmity, driving several miles to inter the remains and accompany them to the grave. The funeral look place on Thursday, the body being interred in the churchyard of St. Bridget's, after the solemn service in the chapel, Rev. Father Cole officiating. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Butler, John Sannders, Patrick Kelly, Christopher Fagan, James O’Brien and Andrew Doyle.


Local Athletes For Osgoode Picnic

Thursday, June 26, 1924
The Ottawa Journal July 26th 1924

The annual picnic and field day to be held under the auspices of St. John’s Church. Osgoode, will take place this year on Civic Holiday, August 4. Local athletic stars are expected to compete in the field sports which will be held as usual in Doyle’s grove, on the east shore of the Rideau river, about four miles above Manotick. Special train services will be inaugurated that day for the convenience of the public, while motor busses will be on hand to convey spectators to and from the grounds The Bilsky and Edward Lisle trophies will be the chief prizes for the sporting events. Rev. Father John Ainsborough of 8t. John’s Church, Osgoode, is in charge of the arrangements For the day.

The Ottawa Journal