The Ottawa Journal

The Death of Mr. McEvoy

Friday, May 28, 1886
The Ottawa Journal May 28th 1886

Osgoode township lost one of its oldest and most prominent residents yesterday in the death of Mr. John McEvoy, of the Prescott road. The deceased gentleman was well and favorably known in this city, where his death will be deeply regretted. His remains will be interred in the family plot on Sunday.


Mr. John McEvoy

Tuesday, September 30, 1924
The Ottawa Journal September 30th 1924

Much regret will be felt by a large circle of friend in Ottawa and Osgoode Township in the news of the death of Mr. John McEvoy, which occurred on September 29. The late Mr. McEvoy had reached the age of 83 years and enjoyed excellent health up to the time of his illness. For the past six years he had been a resident of Ottawa. Prior to that time he was for more than 50 years a prominent and successful farmer of Osgoode. Mr McEvoy was born in the Province of Quebec, at St. Scholastique, but very early in life moved with his parents to Osgoode Township. While of a retiring disposition and taking little active part in public affairs Mr. McEvoy was always ready to lend his services to any good cause for the welfare of the community in which he lived. He was a devout Catholic and since his residence in Ottawa had been a regular attendant at St. Patrick's Church Mr. McEvoy's wife, formerly Miss Catharine Fitzpatrick, of Osgoode, predeceased him about 25 years. He is survived by two sons and one daughter. The sons are Celestine, resident in Osgoode and Austin, of Burwin, Alberta, and his daughter, Miss Catharine, of Ottawa. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Patrick O'Connor, of Ottawa.

The funeral will be held on Thursday morning at 8.45 from the residence of his sister, Mrs. P. O'Connor. 401 Lisgar street, to St. Patrick's Church, thence to St. John's cemetery, Osgoode.


Miss Anastasia Marshall Dies at Her Home

Tuesday, April 23, 1946
The Ottawa Journal April 23rd 1946

Well known in religious circles in Ottawa, Miss Anastasia (Stasia) Marshall, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marshall, died suddenly Monday at her residence 97 Daly avenue, Apt. 3.

A native of Osgoode, Ont., she had resided in Ottawa for several years. Miss Marshall attended St. Joseph’s Church and was membership secretary of the Association of Mary Immaculate. She was also a member of the League of the Sacred Heart, Third Order of St. Francis, Legion of Mary, and the Society of the Living Rosary.

She was the last surviving member of her family.

The body is at the parlors of McEvoy Brothers from where the funeral will be held Wednesday at 8.45 a m. to St. Joseph’s Church for solemn requiem mass at nine o’clock.

Interment will take place in St. John's cemetery, Osgoode.


Patrick Watters

Saturday, March 24, 1945
The Ottawa Journal March 24th 1945

Patrick Watters, 67. well-known farmer of Fallowfield, died in hospital on Friday after a lengthy illness. He was a son of the late Michael Watters, and his wife, Mary Dunn, and had resided in the district all his life. He attended St. Patrick’s Church. His wife, the former Ellen Mary Larkin, died in 1940.

He is survived by one son, James of Wellington. Ont.; five daughters, Mrs. Edwin Ryder, Syracuse, N.Y.; Mrs. Ambrose Herbert and Mrs. Stephen Herbert, of Osgoode; Mrs. Bernard - Homuth and Miss Viola Watters, of Ottawa.

The funeral will be held on Monday morning at 7.45 from the parlors of McEvoy Brothers, to St. Patrick’s Church for requiem high mass at 8 o’clock. The body will rest in Notre Dame cemetery vault until Spring when burial will take place in St. John’s cemetery. Osgoode.


Mrs. W. Blanchfield

Monday, October 12, 1936
The Ottawa Journal October 12th 1936

Mrs. Annie Blanchfield, widow of William Blanchfield, and a resident of Ottawa for many years, died at a local hospital on Sunday following an illness of several months.

Born in Osgoode, 72 years ago, the was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dolan, and was married at Osgoode in 1890. Following her marriage she resided with her husband at Osgoode. Later the couple came to Ottawa, her husband entering the employ of the Ottawa Improvement Commission as a police officer. After several years, they moved to Marshfield, Oregon, where Mr. Blanchfield died 23 years ago.

Mrs. Blanchfield returned to Ottawa eight years ago and had been living at 483 Laurier avenue west. She attended St Patrick's Church.

She is survived by two brothers. Thomas Dolan, of Ottawa, and Michael Dolan, of Gardener. Oregon.

The body is resting at the Brady and Harris Funeral Residence, 271 Lisgar street, and the funeral likely will take place on Wednesday morning, with interment to be at St. John's cemetery, Qsgoode.


Miss Jane McEvoy

Wednesday, December 16, 1931
The Ottawa Journal December 16th 1931

Following an illness of only a few days, the death occurred this morning at a local hospital of Miss Jane McEvoy, for 30 years a well-known and highly respected resident of the Capital. Born at Osgoode, Ont., 74 years ago, Miss McEvoy was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McEvoy, and came to Ottawa about 30 years ago. A devoted member of St. Joseph‘s Church, Miss McEvoy took a keen interest in its many affairs, being a member of the Third Order of St. Francis, the Living Rosary of St. Joseph's Church, and the League of the Sacred Heart of the same church.

Left to mourn her death are, one brother, M. J. McEvoy, of Ottawa and Several nieces and nephews.

The funeral will be held from the funeral parlors of McEvoy Brothers, 471 MacLaren street, on Friday morning at 8.40 o'clock to St. Patrick's Church for requiem high mass at nine o'clock, and thence to Osgoode, where interment will be made in St. John's cemetery.


Jane McEvoy

Thursday, December 17, 1931
The Ottawa Journal December 17th 1931

At a local hospital on Wednesday, December 16, 1931. Jane McEvoy, aged 75 years. Formerly of 74 College avenue. Funeral from McEvoy Bros. Funeral Parlors, 471 MacLaren street, on Friday, 18th instant, at 8.40 a.m. Requiem high mass at St. Joseph's Church at 9 o'clock. Interment at St. John’s cemetery, Osgoode, Ont.


James McCartin

Saturday, November 10, 1934
The Ottawa Journal November 10th 1934

James McCartin, well-known in the Ottawa district, died yesterday morning at the home of his brother, Owen McCartin, Billings’ Bridge Mr. McCartin who was a native of Osgoode was in his 76th year. His wife predeceased him by several years and he is survived by his brother, and two Sisters, Mrs. Bridget O'Rourke and Mrs. Mary O'Callaghan.

The funeral will be held from McEvoy Brothers' parlors, 471 MacLaren street, tomorrow at 2.00 o'clock for Libera service at St. John's Church, Osgoode.

Interment will be In the pariah cemetery.


Mrs. J. O'Callaghan, 86, Dies at Daughter's Home

Wednesday, November 30, 1949
The Ottawa Journal November 30th 1949

Mrs. John H. O'Callaghan. 86, died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Dunlop, 273 Florence street, after a short illness.

The former Mary Hughes McCartin, she was born in Osgoode, the daughter of the late John McCartin and the former Margaret Hughes.

In 1892 she was married to J. H. O’Callaghan, who predeceased her by 15 years. Mrs. O’Callaghan has been a resident of Ottawa for 22 years.

Surviving in addition to her daughter, Mrs. Dunlop, is Rev. Sister Mary Geraldine, of the Pembroke General Hospital staff; two sons, John J. O'Callaghan, Toronto, and C. P. O'Callahan, Hamilton. There are five grand-children and two great-grand-children.

The body is at Whelan’s Funeral Home, 515 Cooper street. Funeral service will be held Friday at 8 am. in St. Patrick's Church.

Interment will be in St. John's cemetery, Osgoode.


St. John's Church Social

Wednesday, July 22, 1970
The Ottawa Journal July 22th 1970

St. John's Church, Osgoode, will hold its annual turkey supper and social Saturday from 5-9 p.m.

The Ottawa Journal