The Ottawa Journal

Funeral of D. Kelly

Saturday, December 24, 1932
The Ottawa Journal December 24th 1932

The funeral of David Kelly, well known resident of Osgoode, who died at a local hospital Sunday. December 18, at the age of 69 years, was held from his late home on the River road to St. Brigid’s Church on Wednesday, December 21.

Solemn high mass was chanted by Rev. Father W. F. Tierney, parish priest, assisted by Rev. Father F. Corkery and Rev. Father W. Nevins, Rev. Father M. F. Daley conducted the services at the grave.

Mr. Kelly is survived by five sons, Patrick and Stephen, of Detroit; Leo, Gerald and Louis, at home, and two daughters, Sister St. Augustine, of the Grey Nuns Community, Pembroke, and Teresa, of Ottawa; five brothers, William, Thomas, Frank and Joseph, of Osgoode, and James, of Ottawa, and three sisters, Sister St. Columbkill, of the Holy Cross Convent Ottawa; Mrs. B. F. Laplante, of Ottawa, and Mrs. F. Reardon, of Osgoode.
The esteem in which Mr. Kelly was held was shown by the large number of spiritual and floral offerings.


Pioneer of Osgoode Dies in His 93rd Year

Monday, May 2, 1932
The Ottawa Journal May 2nd 1932

OSGOODE, Ont., May 1 - Moses Doyle, the oldest resident of this place, died at his home here yesterday in his 93rd year, following a short illness. He was one of the best known and highly esteemed men in this vicinity.

Born of Irish parents in the house in which he lived all his life, he assisted them in clearing the land for farming, which work he carried on after them until the time of his death. Mr. Doyle attended St. John's Roman Catholic Church, where he held a high place in the regard of his fellow parishioners.

Twenty years ago he was predeceased by his wife, formerly Catherine Fagan. Three sons, Moses, Detroit; Andrew and John, both of Osgoode; and one daughter, Miss Mary Doyle, survive.

The funeral will be held on Tuesday morning from his late home at 9.30 o'clock (standard time) to St. John’s Church, Osgoode, where service will be chanted by Rev. Father W. F. Tierney at 10 o'clock. Interment will follow in the Catholic cemetery at Osgoode.


Choir Goes To Osgoode

Monday, October 3, 1932
The Ottawa Journal Oct 3rd 1932

Members of the Chancel Choir of St Brigid’s parish journeyed to Qsgoode yesterday to take part in the annual service for the dead which was held at the Roman Catholic cemetery, at 3.30 p.m. Rev. Father Frank Tierney, pariah priest of the church of St. John, Osgoode, presided over the ceremony, while the sermon was delivered by Rev. John J. O'Gorman, of Blessed Sacrament pariah, Ottawa.

The Ottawa Journal

Funeral of Miss Daley

Tuesday, October 11, 1932
The Ottawa Journal Oct 11th 1932

The funeral was held at Osgoode yesterday morning of Miss Ellen Daley, well known resident of that district who died suddenly in a local hospital on Friday. Miss Daley met her death as a result of burns suffered some weeks ago when a can of inflammable liquid exploded in her hand.
The remains were taken from the undertaking parlours of McEvoy Brothers, 471 MacLaren street, on Sunday afternoon to her residence at Osgoode. Yesterday morning the funeral was held from her late home to St. John’s Roman Catholic Church there where a requiem high mass was chanted after which burial was made in the parish cemetery.
The funeral was largely attended by Miss Daley's many friends in Osgoode and the surrounding countryside where she had been held in the highest esteem and was a respected member of the community.
The chief mourners were a brother, Peter Daley, of Osgoode, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Galvin, Chicago, Ill.


Funeral of Mrs. McGee

Wednesday, November 23, 1932
The Ottawa Journal Nov 23th 1932

Attended by many of her former friends from Osgoode and those she had made during her five years’ residence in Ottawa, the funeral of Mrs. Margaret McGee, widow of Frank McGee, who died on Monday, was held this morning from the parlors of McEvoy Bros, 471 McLaren street, to the Church of the Assumption. Eastview.

Mgr. W. E. Cavanagh, pariah priest, chanted the requiem high mass, following which the cortege proceeded by motor to Osgoode, where a libera was chanted by Rev. Father Tierney, and interment made in St. John’s cemetery.

Chief mourners and survivors are two step-children. Miss Kathleen McGee and Frank McGee, both of Ottawa; two sisters, Miss B. Leahy, Eastview, and Mrs. J. Malone, Ottawa, and one brother, Timothy Leahy, of Metcalfe. Ont.

Numerous spiritual and floral offerings were received by the bereaved family.


Mrs. W. Gillissie

Friday, May 31, 1929
The Ottawa Journal May 31st 1929

At the home of her sister, Mrs. Matthew McDowell, Metcalfe, Ont., the death occurred yesterday of Mrs. William Gillissie, well known and highly esteemed citizen of Osgoode, Ont., following a very short illness.

Formerly Miss Annie Hurley, Mrs. Gillissie was born at Osgoode 70 years ago and had resided there the major part of her life. She was predeceased by her husband five years ago. A member of St. John's Roman Catholic Church, she took active part in the various parochial organizations.

She is survived by two sons, William and Lawrence Gillissie, of Pittsburgh, Penn.; two daughters, Mrs. L. McEvoy, of Osgoode and Mrs. E. Shields, of Ottawa; four sisters, Mrs. Matthew McDowell, of Metcalfe; Mrs. W. P. Conlon, of Ottawa; Mrs. Mary Mullen and Mrs. Patrick McDonald, both of Vankleek Hill.

The funeral will be held from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. L. McEvoy, Osgoode, Saturday morning and Interment will be made In the Osgoode cemetery.


Mrs. Owen McCartin

Saturday, June 24, 1905
The Ottawa Journal June 24th 1905

Much sympathy is being expressed for Mr. Owen McCartin, of Billings' Bridge, on the death of his wife on Friday last. Four young children, May, Maggie, Eddie and Owen, also survive their mother.
Mrs. McCartin, whose maiden name was Mary Blanchfield, leaves a mothem, two sisters and one brother living in Osgoode, a brother, a blacksmith, in Hintonburg, and another a conductor on the Ottawa electric railway.
The funeral will be held tomorrow at two o’clock to the Billings Bridge church and thence to Osgoode cemetery.


John Dewan

Friday, September 30, 1927
The Ottawa Journal September 30th 1927
The Ottawa Journal September 30th 1927

John Dewan, a lifelong resident of Osgoode, died on Thursday at his residence, following a lingering Illness. Ha was 66 years of age. Mr. Dewan was a prominent farmer and had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Besides his wife. formerly Miss Margaret Shields, he leaves two sons, Michael and James Dewan; and four daughters, Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke and the Misses Annie, Margaret and Emma, all of Osgoode; two brothers, Bernard Dewan, who is residing in the United States, and Patrick Dewan, Osgoode, and two sisters, Mrs. William O'Brien and Mrs. Thomas Shields, also of Osgoode. The funeral will be held at 9.15 o'clock Saturday morning from his residence to St. John’s Roman Catholic Church, Osgoode. Interment will be made at St. John's Cemetery.


Mrs. Mary O'Connor

Monday, May 9, 1927
The Ottawa Journal May 9th 1927

The death occurred this morning of Mrs. Mary O'Connor, highly esteemed resident of Ottawa, at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. George Delaney. 82 Holland avenue. Mrs. O'Connor was well known in Ottawa and district, and her passing is widely mourned. Mrs. O’Connor, who was formerly Miss Mary Doyle, was the widow of Matthew O’Connor, who predeceased her some years ago. Mrs. O’Connor was a devout Catholic and took a keen interest in the work of the church. Besides her daughter, Mrs. George Delaney, she is survived by a son, Rev. J. S. O'Connor, now living in Fort Worth Texas. The funeral will he held on Wednesday morning at nine o'clock from 82 Holland avenue to St. Brigid’s Church, River Road, Osgoode. where requiem high mass will be sung at 10 o’clock. Interment will be made at 8t. Brigid’s R. C. cemetery.


William Plunkett

Tuesday, March 29, 1927
The Ottawa Journal March 29th 1927
The Ottawa Journal March 29th 1927
The Ottawa Journal March 29th 1927

A well-known and highly respected resident of Osgoode died on March 21 in the person of William Plunkett. Mr. Plunkett was in his twenty-eighth year and he had been ill for just a little over a week. He was well-known in the Ottawa district and a large number of friends mourn his loss.

He Is survived by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Plunkett; one brother, Earl Plunkett, and a sister, Mrs. O’Brien, both of Detroit. The funeral was held on Wednesday morning from bis home to fit.
Brigid’s Church. Many friends aero present for the last rites.

Requiem high mass was sung by Rev. Father Gorman and the pall-bearers were Johnny and Cicero McKenna, Nell O'Callaghan, Austin Kelly, J. Kelly, and Laurence O'Brien.
