Nearly 200 carriages carrying mourners, attended the funeral of Mrs. Patrick Kehoe, of Osgoode to South Gloucester cemetery recently. So popular had Mrs. Kehoe been that a continual procession of mourners visited the family residence at Osgoode bearing floral and speritual tributes. The funeral service was very impressive. Rev. Father Prudhomme assisted by Rev. Father Corkery of Osgoode, conducted the requiem high mass. The musical service was played by Mr. Lemieux, of Ottawa and Rev. Father Connelly. The pall bearers were Messrs, Patrick Dunlop, John Cahill, John Jenning, Joseph O'Brien and Paul Shanan. Mrs. Kehoe died in a local hospital following a serious operation. She was a prominent member of the Roman Catholic Church in Osgoode and had cultivated a large circle of friends. She lived all her life in Osgoode. Besides her husband Mrs. Kehoe is survived by one daughter, Annie, and two sons, Thomas and Patrick, all living at home; three sisters, Mrs. Patrick Cahill, South Gloucester, Mrs. J. Mectravick, Ottawa, Sister Mary Cecila, Vancover, two brothers, Michael of Osgoode and Patrick, of Winnipeg; and one grand daughter, Joan.