Many relatives and friends and sisters of Immaculata High School attended the funeral of James O’Connor which was held Saturday afternoon from his residence, 181 Arthur street, to St. John’s Church, Osgoode. Rev. Wilfred Nevins, parish priest, conducted the libera service. Interment was in the family plot in the parish cemetery. There will be a service of solemn requiem high mass at the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Monday at 9 o'clock.
Chief mourners and survivors were five sisters, the Misses Elizabeth and Theresa O'Connor, of Ottawa; Rev. Mother St. Patrick, Chicago, Ill.; Rev. Sister Mary Danial, in China; Mrs. J. M. Benoit, of Madatawa; one brother, Daniel O’Connor, of Markstay, Ont., and several nephews and nieces.
Many spiritual offerings and messages of sympathy were received from friends of the family.