Owen Mooney

Wednesday, November 11, 1936

Word was received here on Tuesday of the death at Syracuse, N. Y., of Owen Mooney, formerly a widely-known farmer of Osgoode, and a brother of Mr. James Doyle and of Charles Mooney, of this city. Mr. Mooney was in his 63rd year.

Born at Osgoode, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mooney. Following his father’s death, he continued farming there until about 14 years ago when he went to Syracuse.

Surviving, in addition to his brother-and sister here, are two other sisters, Mrs. Patrick Doyle and Mrs. Frank C. Lawyer, of Syracuse, and one brother, Joseph Mooney, of Minneapolis.

The body will arrive in Ottawa today at 6 p.m., and will rest at McEvoy brothers’ Funeral Home, 471 McLaren street, until Thursday morning at eight o’clock when the funeral will be held to Osgoode for requiem high mass at St. John’s Roman Catholic Church at nine o’clock. Interment will take place in the parish cemetery.

The Ottawa Journal Nov 11th 1936
The Ottawa Journal