Attended by friends from all parts of the Ottawa district, the funeral of John Kelly, prominent Osgoode farmer who died on Sunday at his home on the Rideau river road, was held yesterday morning from his residence to St. Brigid’s Church, Osgoode. The cortege was one of the largest seen in the district in some time and was a visible token of the respect and esteem in which Mr. Kelly was held by all who knew him.
Included among the numerous mourners were friends from Ottawa, Nepean, Alexandria, Douglas, Dalmeny, Gloucester, Britannia Heights, as well as scores from Osgoode. The church was completely filled with those who gathered to pay final tribute to one who was beloved by all.
Requiem high mass was sung by Rev. Father A. Gorman, P.P., assisted by Rev. Father G. Prudhomme of St. George's Church. Ottawa West, as deacon, and Rev. Father F. Corkery, of St Mary's Church, South Gloucester, as sub-deacon The choir was ably led by Rev. Father L. Curtin, of St. Mary's Church, Ottawa, with Miss Mary O'Neill at the organ.
Pall-bearers were six brothers-ln-law, M. Daley, T. Grant, J. Daley, H. Clelland, P. McEvoy and M. Reardon. Among the many spiritual offerings was one of the Gregorian masses from the family.
Chief mourners were his wife, formerly Miss Teresa Daley; seven sons, Arthur, Ambrose, Frederick, James and Vincent, of Osgoode; Harry of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Dominic of Stannish. Out.: three daughters, Mrs. J. W. MacRae of Lochiel, Ont.; Mrs. Edward Dewan of Ottawa, and Miss Genevieve, at home; two sisters, Mrs. M. Reardon and Rev. Sister Mary of Columbkille; six brothers, James, David, William, Thomas, Frank and Joseph Kelly; two sons-in-law, J. W. MacRae and Edward Dewan, and 21 grandchildren.
Interment was made after the service in the pariah cemetery near the church.