Funeral of Miss Daley

Tuesday, October 11, 1932

The funeral was held at Osgoode yesterday morning of Miss Ellen Daley, well known resident of that district who died suddenly in a local hospital on Friday. Miss Daley met her death as a result of burns suffered some weeks ago when a can of inflammable liquid exploded in her hand.
The remains were taken from the undertaking parlours of McEvoy Brothers, 471 MacLaren street, on Sunday afternoon to her residence at Osgoode. Yesterday morning the funeral was held from her late home to St. John’s Roman Catholic Church there where a requiem high mass was chanted after which burial was made in the parish cemetery.
The funeral was largely attended by Miss Daley's many friends in Osgoode and the surrounding countryside where she had been held in the highest esteem and was a respected member of the community.
The chief mourners were a brother, Peter Daley, of Osgoode, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Galvin, Chicago, Ill.

The Ottawa Journal Oct 11th 1932
The Ottawa Journal