Attended by many of her former friends from Osgoode and those she had made during her five years’ residence in Ottawa, the funeral of Mrs. Margaret McGee, widow of Frank McGee, who died on Monday, was held this morning from the parlors of McEvoy Bros, 471 McLaren street, to the Church of the Assumption. Eastview.
Mgr. W. E. Cavanagh, pariah priest, chanted the requiem high mass, following which the cortege proceeded by motor to Osgoode, where a libera was chanted by Rev. Father Tierney, and interment made in St. John’s cemetery.
Chief mourners and survivors are two step-children. Miss Kathleen McGee and Frank McGee, both of Ottawa; two sisters, Miss B. Leahy, Eastview, and Mrs. J. Malone, Ottawa, and one brother, Timothy Leahy, of Metcalfe. Ont.
Numerous spiritual and floral offerings were received by the bereaved family.