John Blanchfield

Saturday, October 18, 1924

Mr. John Blanchfield. resident of Ottawa for 13 years and pioneer of the Osgoode district, died at a local hospital yesterday at the age of 65 years. Mr. Blanchfield was born at Osgoode, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Blanchfield, and spent the greater part of his life farming in that district. He retired from active life 13 years ago, when he came to Ottawa to live. He was unmarried. Surviving him are two brothers. Charles, of Osgoode and Patrick, of North Mountain, and one sister. Mrs. S. T. McEvoy, of Ottawa. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from 74 College avenue to St. John's cemetery, Osgoode.

The Ottawa Journal October 18th 1924
The Ottawa Journal