A wedding of considerable interest was celebrated quietly in St. Bridget's Church, River Road, Osgoode, yesterday morning, when Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Killy, Osgoode, became the bride of Mr. John W. MacRae, of Alexandria. Rev. Father Frank Corkery, P.P., performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate relatives of both parties. The quaint old, church was taste-fully decorated with fall blooms.
The bride, who was unattended, was becomingly attired in an attractive gown of navy georgette, with hat to match. She also wore a stone marten neck piece. Her bouquet was a coraage of yellow tea roses. She worn the groom's gift, a rope of pearls. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents, River Road, Osgoode. The decorations were asters and maiden hair fern. Among the guests were Rev. B. J. MacDonald. Lochiel; • Rev. A. MacDonald, Glen Robertson; Rev. O. D. Prudhomme, South Gloucester; Rev. F. Corkery, Miss Jean MacRae, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MacRae, St. Raphaels.
Mr. and Mrs. MacRae left on a honeymoon trip to Brookville, the Thousand Islands. Toronto and Niagara. The bride travelled in a suit of navy tricotine, opening over a blouse of henna Canton crepe.
On their return they will reside in Alexandria, Ont.