Regret Passing Mr. J. J. McEvoy

Thursday, August 14, 1924

The funeral of Mr. John J. McEvoy who died on Sunday, was held at 8 45 o'clock Wednesdav morning from his residence. 108 Daly avenue to St. Josephs Roman Catholic Church, and was attended by a large gathering of relatives and friends.
The cortege left the house at 8 45 o'clock and proceeded to St, Josephs Church where a solemn high requiem mass was said by Rev Father D. Finnegan, O.M.I. who was assisted by Rev. Father F. Corkery, as deacon, and Rev. Father Jerald Gorman, as sub-decon. Solos were rendered at the offertory by Mr. J. Rowell and Mr. A. Poulen Rev. Father Curtain, of St. Mary’s Church, and Rev. Father Bambrick of the Blessed Sacrament, were in the sanctuary.
Following the mass the funeral proceeded to St. John’s Cemetery, at Osgoode, where interment was made. The service at the graveside was conducted by Rev. Father J. T. Ainsborough, who was assisted by Rev. Father F. Corkery and Rev. Father Gerald Gorman.
The chief mourners were six sons; Mr. John McEvoy and Mr. Leo McEvoy, of Osgoode; Mr James McEvoy, of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Michael McEvoy, Mr. Ambrose, Mr. Dominic McEvoy, all of the Capital two sons-in-law, Mr J. M. Casey and Mr. James Shields; one brother Mr. Philip McEvoy, and a sister, Mrs. Ann Brennan, of Ottawa.
Many spiritual and floral offerings were received by the bereaved family testifying to the sincere regret felt towards them in their bereavement. Mr. McEvoy was very widely known and had many friends in Ottawa and at Osgoode.
Among those present at the funeral were Messrs W. J. Fitzpatrick, M. Hart, T. Shields, J. Hart, W. J. Laylor, P. Kerns, M. Hart Jr., M. Phelan, J. Loughlin, R. Snaith, D. J. O’Grady, P. Shields, L. O’Malley, G. J. Gillissie. J. Shields, Reeve Alexander Dow and Councillor Spratt, of Osgoode township, J. C. Enright, J. James, W. Cluff, J. Vaughan, E. Harris, W. Fitzpatrick, William Gaffney, Michael Gaffney, of New York; James Tobin, Kemptville; Put Blanchfield, North Mountain; F. Nevins, V. McKenna, P. O’Connor, D. O’Grady, P. O’Brien, J. O’Brien, P. McCabe, W. Dempsey, E. O’Brien and many others.

The Ottawa Journal August 14th 1924
The Ottawa Journal August 14th 1924
The Ottawa Journal