Leo Blanchfield is Mourned by Many

Wednesday, October 29, 1930

A bright young life was brought to a close on Sunday evening. October 26, when Leo, the third son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blanchfield of Osgoode, Ont., died in his 15th year from complications following an operation for appendicitis which he underwent in an Ottawa hospital some six weeks ago.
Besides his grief-stricken parents, Leo leaves four brothers Leonard, Ernest, Howard and Gerald, and two little sisters Mary and Dolores, for whom heartfelt sympathy is felt. He would have celebrated his fifteenth birthday on Saturday, November 1.
Leo’s early call removes from the family circle, the classroom and the community a noble young personality beloved by all. He was a pupil of Kar’s Continuation School having formerly, previous to pasting the Entrance, attended S.S. No. 5 Osgoode, where his passing is deeply mourned by teachers and classmates. His keen sense of humor and cheerful, generous way was the light and life of his associations.
The funeral was held Tuesday morning to St. John’s Church Osgoode where the pastor Rev. Father Gorman, chanted high requiem mass Rev. Father John O'Neill, of St. Brigid’s parish, Ottawa, was in the sanctuary.
At the offertory and communion, the organist. Miss Marv O'Neill, rendered appropriate hymns. While the pallbearers, Arnold Kelly, Walter Cleland, Lionel and Donald McEvoy, Quentin Gleeson, and Arnold Taylor, were bearing the remains of their loved chum from the church to the cemetery, classmates of S.S. No. 5, Osgoode, sang very feelingly. "Yes Heaven is the Prize." The service at the graveside was conducted by Rev. Father John O'Neill.
Many from Ottawa were in attendance at the funeral. Among the expressions of sympathy received were floral tributes from S.S. No. 5 Osgoode Kar’s Continuation school and, the family.

The Ottawa Journal October 29th 1930
The Ottawa Journal