One of the prettiest weddings of the season look place on Tuesday morning In St. John’s Church, Osgoode, when Mary Marguerite, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Doyle, was united in marriage to Mr. Stephen M. Shields, son of the late Thos. and Mrs. Shields, all of Osgoode, Rev. Father F. Corkery officiating.
Tho bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was charming in a suit of taupe broadcloth, and hat to match, with trimmings of jade feathers. She also wore the gift of the groom, a gray fox fur. The attendants were Miss Catherine Doyle, sister of the bride, and the groom’s brother, Mr. Thomas J. Shields. The bridesmaid looked winsome, attired in a suit of brown velour, and hat to match, trimmed with ospray.
The church was artistically decorated in autumn’s floral beauty. Mrs. T. Herbert, of Ottawa, played the wedding march. “Sliver Band." also rendering beautifully ”O Promise Me” during the signing of the register.
After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s parents. Rev. Father Corkery and the immediate relatives of the contracting parties being present. The house was prettily decorated in palms, ferns, gladiolus and hsters. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a pearl pendant, and to the groomsman gold tie pin. After the reception the bridal party motored to Ottawa, the happy couple leaving for Montreal and other points east. On their return they will reside in Osgoode.
The bride, one of Osgoode's most popular young ladies, and well known in this city, was the recipient of many valuable presents, among them being a number of handsome cheques.