Monday, September 11, 1899
Sept. 9.—-Miss Scott of Ottawa, is a guest at the home of Mrs. Ed. Blanchfield.
Miss Cavannagh, of Ottawa, is visiting at Mr. Andrew Doyle's.
Rev. Father McCauley was in Ottawa last Monday.
Miss McCauley arrived home last Monday after spending three weeks of a very enjoyable vacation at her home.
Miss Blanchfield, of Ottawa, is visiting at her home here.
Miss Emma McEvoy. teacher in Nepean, arrived home last Monday to attend her grandmother's funeral.
The angel of death has again visited this vicinity and taken from our midst an old and highly respected resident of this place in the person of, Mrs. John McEvoy, who has been confined to her home for some time. The funeral, which was a large one, took place last Monday from her son’s reslidence to St. John’s church, where a grand requiem mass was chanted by Rev. Father McCauley, P.P. Mrs. McEvoy had lived to the ripe old age of ninety and leaves a grown-up family of four sons and four daughters to mourn her loss. They are Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Shields, Mrs. McCartin, Mrs. Brennan and Messrs. John, Richard and Philip, all of this place, and Mr. Edward, of Ohio.
The Ottawa Journal