Monday, November 25, 1907
A very pretty wedding took place this morning at 9.30 in St. John’s Church, Osgoode, on the Prescott Road, when Mr. Thomas Cardo, engineer of the American Bank Note Company of this city, was united in marriage to Miss Margaret M. Blanchfield, daughter of the late Patrick Blanchfield, of Osgoode.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father McCauley of St. John’s, in the presence of a large number of friends of the family.
The bride wore a smart tailor-made suit of navy blue chiffon broadcloth, with hat to match.
The bridesmaid was Miss Celia Blanchfield, sister of the bride, while Mr. Manford supported the groom.
The happy couple will leave this afternoon for Montreal and on their return will reside at 24 Bank street.
The Ottawa Journal