Richard Tobin

Wednesday, December 20, 1933

An illness of two years ended in the death on Tuesday at St. Patrick a Home, of Richard Tobin, well-known farmer of Metcalfe, Ont., at the age of 62 years.

Mr. Tobin was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin, and was born at Metcalfe, where he had spent practically his whole life, devoting himself to farming. He was a devout member of St. John's Church, Osgoode, and had a host of friends all over the district Mr. Tobin had come to Ottawa to enter the home when he became ill about two years ago. His death will be widely mourned here and in the surrounding country-side.

Surviving him are three brothers, Patrick Tobin, Ottawa; Martin Tobin, Renfrew, Ont., and William Tobin, Detroit, Mich., and five sisters, Mrs A. Tessier, Metcalfe, Ont.; Mrs. T. McGahey, Kemptville, Ont.; Miss Winnifred Tobin, Ottawa, and the Misses Nellie and Matilda Tobin, both of Montreal.

Requiem high mass will be celebated in the chapel of St Patrick's Home at 7 o'clock on Thursday morning and remains will be placed in the vault at Notre Dame cemetery. Interment will be made in May at Osgoode. Ont.

The Ottawa Journal December 20th 1933
The Ottawa Journal