Osgoode Mourns for Mrs. Dewan

Thursday, May 1, 1930

Fitting tribute to the memory of the late Mrs. Margaret Dewan, widow of John Dewan, was paid yesterday morning, when one of the largest funerals held in Osgoode for many years took place from tho home of her son, James Dewan, to St. John’s Church, where solemn reguiem mass was chanted by Rev. Father Frank Tierney, assisted by Rev. Father Gorman, pastor, as deacon, and Rev. Father Corkery, Gloucester, as sub-deacon, Rev. Father Matthew Gorman, Farrellton, and Rev. Father John Smith Mayo, Que., joined the choir during the celebration of mass. During the Offertory and Communion impressive solos were rendered by Miss Mary O'Neil and Mr. Earl Foley.
The chief mourners were: P. M. Dewan, B.Sc., of Woodstock, Ont; James Dewan, Osgoode, four daughters, Mrs. Thomas O’Rourke, Osgoode, and the Misses Annie, Margaret and Emma; four brothers, Patrick J. Shields, Gloucester; John, Timothy and Edmond Shields, Ottawa, and two sisters, Mrs. Teresa Daley, Ottawa, and Mrs. Michael Herbert, Osgoode.
Telegrams and other expressions of sympathy were sent by those unable to attend the funeral. The spiritual offerings were very numerous. Floral tributes were received from members and relatives of the family and from the Labor Department, Bowling League, the District Superintendent’s Branch of the Postal Service, the Oxford Farmers' Co-operative Assn., Woodstock; the employee of the Oxford Farmers’ Co-operative Assn., and the Chrysler Export Corporation Company, Detroit.

The Ottawa Journal May 1st 1930
The Ottawa Journal