November, 11.—On Tuesday Nov. 5th there passed away at the ripe age of 84 years, one of the earliest settlers of the township of Osgoode, Elizabeth, widow of the late Anthony Doyle, who died about 22 years ago. The deceased lady, with her husband came to this country in 1847 from County Carlow, Ireland, and settled upon the homestead which she occupied until the hour of her death, being of late years under the care of her son James, the present owner of the farm. Deceased was a devout Catholic, zealous and faithful in good works, and the esteem in which she was held in the churoh, was evident from the fact of her former pastor, now retired through age and infirmity, driving several miles to inter the remains and accompany them to the grave. The funeral look place on Thursday, the body being interred in the churchyard of St. Bridget's, after the solemn service in the chapel, Rev. Father Cole officiating. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Butler, John Sannders, Patrick Kelly, Christopher Fagan, James O’Brien and Andrew Doyle.