Mrs. Margaret LaPlant

Tuesday, October 19, 1943

Many friends gathered with relatives to pay final tribute to Mrs. Margaret La Plante who died on Friday at her funeral Monday morning. The cortege left the residence, 242 Bronson avenue, and proceeded to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church for solemn requiem high mass at 9 a.m. Mass was chanted by Rev. John O’Neill, assisted by Rev. A. Gratton as deacon, and Rev. E. Boyle as subdeacon. In the sanctuary were Rev. Fathers W. Moore and F. Corkery. Burial took place in St. Brigid’s cemetery, River road, Osgoode. Rev. E. Maloney officiated at the graveside service. Numerous floral and spiritual offerings were received.

The Ottawa Journal October 19th 1943
The Ottawa Journal