Mrs. Mary A. McEvoy, member of one of the pioneer families of Osgoode, and for the past 16 years a resident of Ottawa, died this morning at the home of her sons. A. J. and D. D. McEvoy, well-known funeral directors, 471 MacLaren street, in her 83rd year.
A daughter of the late James Buckels, one of the early settlers of the Osgoode district, Mrs. McEvoy had endeared herself to a very large circle of friends in Osgoode and in Ottawa, and the news of her passing will be received with deep regret. A devout Catholic she was actively associated with parochial affairs and was a member of the Living Rosary of St. Joseph's parish, the League of the Sacred Heart and the Ottawa Sub-division of the Catholic Women's League. Her husband, John J. McEvoy, died eight years ago.
Mrs. McEvoy is survived by six sons, John and Leo McEvoy of Osgoode, James McEvoy of Detroit, Mich., Michael McEvoy of the Government Printing Bureau, Ottawa, and A J. and D. D. McEvoy, funeral directors of the city; and three daughters, Mrs. James Shields of Osgoode, Mrs. J. M. Casey and Mias Mary E. McEvoy both of Ottawa. Also left to mourn her passing are one brother, John Buckels of Osgoode, and 25 grandchildren.
The funeral will be held on Saturday morning at 8.45 o'clock from the residence of her sons, with whom she made her home at 471 MacLaren street, to St. Patrick’s Church for solemn requiem high mass at nine o'clock, and thence to Notre Dame cemetery vault.