Death is sad enough when it separates two who have shared together life's joys and sorrows from youth to old age, but their ambitions have been filled and their separation at most but for a few short years. How bitter though the parting when a husband bids adieu to the young girl he claimed as his happy bride but a brief three months before. Such a trial has fallen the lot of Mr Joseph Blanchfield, of West Osgoode, whose wife died in the Water Street Hospital, Ottawa, on Thursday morning, April 18.
Deceased was 21 years of age and was married to Mr. Blanchfield in St. John's Church, West Osgoode on January 17, 1912. About five weeks ago she was taken ill with typhoid fever. She leaves also grief-stricken parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brennan, West Osgoode ; two sisters, Mrs. D. O'Connor, Manotick ; Annie, of Ottawa, and seven brothers, John, Ottawa ; William, Manotick ; Philip and Harry, at home ; Benjamin, Indian Head, Sask. ; Peter, in Vancouver, and Joseph, at Porcupine.
The funeral took place on Saturday morning, April 20, from the residence of deceased's brother-in-law, Mr. M. F. Gleeson, 36 Cameron street, Ottawa South, to St. John's Church, Osgoode, where a high requiem mas was chanted. The attendance was very large, in the cortege being many citizens of Ottawa and representatives from all parts of the Township of Osgoode, who joined the procession along the route.
The pall-bearers were Messrs, Leo. Eddie, Leo. L. Michael and Thomas McEvoy and Edmund Dewan.
Amoung the speritual offerings were contributions from Mr. and Mrs. Brisbois, Mrs. Quinn, Miss M. Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCartin, Mrs. W. Brisbois, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brennan, Misses Minnie Annie, Katie and Florence McEvoy, Mde. Janveau, Mrs. Thos. Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. T. Cardo, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dolan, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Fleeson, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dewan, Messrs. R. Herbert, Michael McEvoy, E. Dewan, J. C. Marshall, Miss J. Brisbois, Miss Josie Ryan, Miss Lalonde, Miss T. C. Dewan, Miss Annie Brophy, Miss S. Marshall.