Mrs. John Kelly Dies Suddenly at Osgoode

Monday, May 25, 1942

A lifelong resident of Osgoode and one of the district’s best known figures, Mrs. Theresa Florence Kelly died suddenly Saturday as a result of a heart attack at her home on the River Road, Osgoode.
Mrs. Kelly was the former Theresa Florence Daly, daughter of one of Osgoode district’s oldest families. Her father was the late Thomas Daley, a native of Osgoode, and her mother, the late Mary McGee, born in South Gloucester.

Active in Church Work.

She was a devout Roman Catholic and a parishioner of St. Bridget’s Church, River Road. Throughout her life she took a leading part in the affairs of the church organizations as well as in charitable activities. She was a member of the Catholic Women's League, the League of the Sacred Heart and St. Joseph’s Union. She also was a member of the Red Cross Society and did valuable work in its interests.
Following her death, which came as a shock to her wide circle of friends, Dr. J. S. Nelson, coroner was called. He pronounced death due to natural causes and said no inquest would be held.
Mrs. Kelly was born at Osgoode and educated there. Her marriage to the late John Kelly took place in South Gloucester and they afterwards established a farm at Osgoode. Mr. Kelly died 14 years ago.

Leaves 7 Sons, 3 Daughters

Left to mourn the death of Mrs. Kelly are seven sons, Arthur, Ambrose, Fred and James, all of Osgoode; Harry, of Cornwall Dominic, supervisor of manual training for Ottawa Separate Schools, and Vincent Kelly, principal of St. Patrick’s School, Ottawa; three daughters, Mrs. W. J. McRae, of Lochiel; Mrs. E. Dewan, of Ottawa, and Mrs. J. Curtin, of Britannia Bay; two brothers, James and Michael Daley, of Osgoode, and two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Grant, of Ottawa, and Mrs. Hugh Cleland, of Osgoode.
There are 44 grandchildren surviving. Nine nieces are members of religious orders. Two nephews are priests, Major the Rev. Michael Daley, of Regina, Sask., and Rev. Gerald Kelly, O.M.I., of the Holy Rosary Scholasticate. The late Rev. Aelred Daley, of St. Brigid’s parish, Ottawa, was a nephew.
Five grandchildren are in the armed forces at present, three of them serving overseas. Rev. Sister St: Columbkille, of the Holy Cross Convent, Montreal, is a sister-in-law.
The funeral is being held this morning from the home of her son, Dominic Kelly, River road, Osgoode, to St. Bridget’s church for requiem high mass at 9.90 o’clock. Interment will take place in the parish cemetery.

The Ottawa Journal May 25th 1942
The Ottawa Journal May 25th 1942
The Ottawa Journal May 25th 1942
The Ottawa Journal