The funeral of the late Joseph McEvoy, who died on March 15, took place Saturday morning from his late residence to St. John's Church, Osgoode, Ont., where a requiem high mass was chanted by Rev. Frank Corkery, P.P., assisted by Rev. Father Curtin. As the remains were leaving the church, Mrs. Eugene Pelietier, of Ottawa, sang "Nearer My God To Thee" in beautiful voice. The funeral was largely attended by many relatives and friends, showing the high esteem in which Mr. McEvoy was held. The pall-bearers were : Bert H. Field, Gus McEvoy, Edmond Dewan, John McCartin, M. McEvoy, and Bernard Dewan. Mr. McEvoy was born at Osgoode thirty-one years ago, the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard McEvoy. He leaves to mourn this loss, his widow, who was formerly Miss Evelyn Blanchfield; two sons, Oliver and Cliaton, and one daughter, Geraldine; also four sisters, Miss Catherine, of Winnipeg; Mrs. R. J. McDonald, Winnipeg; Miss Minnie of South Gloucester, and Miss Annie, of Ottawa, and four brothers, John, Leo and Edward of South Gloucester, and Patrick, of Osgoode. Many floral and spiritual offerings were received.