The funeral was held recently from the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. P. H. Cassidy. Hurdman’s Bridge, to St. John’s Church. Osgoode, of Miss Mary Ann Cangley, whose death, in an Ottawa hospital, after a brief illness, caused widespread regret. High requiem mass was chanted by Rev. Father Frank Corkery, rector of St. John’s Church, and burial was in the parish cemetery on the old Prescott road. The large attendance at the funeral testified to the high esteem in which Miss Cangley wad held by many residents of Ottawa and district. The chief mourners word her brother-in-law, Mr. P. H. Cassidy, and nephew, Mr. Harty Cassidy. Deceased had been ill only about a week and her pasting was entirely unexpected. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cangley, Osgoode, and the last of a family decidedly well known in the Ottawa district some years ago. She had resided at Hurdman's Bridge over 20 years, where her many sterling qualities won her numerous staunch friends.