The death of Miss Agnes Nevins, former, resident of Ottawa, occurred at her home in Osgoode Thursday night after an illness of two weeks.
A daughter of the late Nicholas Nevins and his wife Anne Stackpole. she was born in Osgoode and lived most of her life there, except for an interval of a few years spent in Ottawa. She returned to the family residence 12 years ago and had remained there since.
Surviving are three brothers, Michael P. Nevins, of Port Arthur, and Francis and Joseph, of Osgoode; and a sister, Miss Ruth Nevins, of Osgoode.
The funeral wlll be held from her Osgoode residence at two o’clock Sunday afternoon to St. John’s Church, Osgoode, for libera service at 2.30. Interment will be in South Gloucester cemetery. Requiem high mass for the repose of her soul will be chanted Monday morning at 10 o’clock in St. John’s Church.