John Devereaux

Monday, August 23, 1943

Largely attended, the funeral was held this morning of John Devereaux, Osgoode farmer, who died Friday in his 65th year.

The cortege left the parlors of McEvoy Brothers at 9.00, proceeding to St. John's Church, Osgoode, for requiem high mass at 10 o’clock. The body was met at the door by Rev. E. Maloney, and the service was chanted by Rev. E. O'Sullivan, O.S.M. In the sanctuary were Rev. F. Corkery and Rev. Father Kerney, of Chesterville. Burial was made in the parish cemetery, with Father Maloney saying the last prayers.

The pallbearers were John Richard, of Blanchfield, Michael Herbert, Thomas O’Rourke, Gus McEvoy, John McEvoy and Onesime Foubert.

He is survived by his wife, the former Mary Ellen Toal; a son, Francis, of Osgoode; two brothers, Edward, of Vancouver, and Thomas, of Portage la Prairie; four sisters, Rev. Sister St. Bernard, of the Grey Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Jackson Heights, N.Y., Miss Mary Devereaux, of Ottawa, Mrs. E. Lyng (Margaret), of Merrickville, and Mrs. Catherine O'Connell, of Chesterville.

Among the numerous floral and spiritual offerings were those from the Sisters of Providence, Chesterville, and the Grey Sisters of the Sacred Heart.

The Ottawa Journal August 23rd 1943
The Ottawa Journal