The funeral of Miss Alice Bertha Dewan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dewan, of Osgoode, who was drowned in a barrel of water at her home early Saturday morning, was held at ten o'clock this morning from her home to St. John's Catholic Church, at Osgoode, where a requiem high mass was chanted by Rev. Father F. Corkery, assisted by Rev. Father M. J. Gorman. of Metcalfe, and Rev. Father George Prudhomme, of South Gloucester. Interment was made in Osgoode cemetery.
The funeral was largely attended, many friends of Miss Dewan paying their last respects to one held dear to a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The chief mourners were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dewan; four sisters, the Misses Annie, Margaret and Emma Dewan and Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke, all of Osgoode, and two brothers, James Dewan, of Osgoode, and P. M. Dewan, B. A., superintendent of the Arden Farm, at Chatham, Ont.
Just how the accident occurred is not known but it is said that Miss Dewan, who had been ill for some time, was drawing, a pitcher of water from the barrel when she took a weak turn and fell in. She had been in the barrel only a short time and when removed there was life in her body but all attempts at resuscitation were unavailing. She died a short time after being removed from the barrel.
Miss Dewan was well known in and around Osgoode. She had taught school at Herbert’s Corners for about two years, giving up teaching Just before Easter on account of illness. She was educated at the Metcalfe and Kars schools and at the Normal School sn Ottawa. She was director of the choir of St. John's Church, and was also president of the Young People's Association of that church. Miss Dewan was 22 years of age.