Tuesday, November 12, 1935
In hospital since last March suffering from the effects of a fractured hip, received when he fell on the ice. Peter Kavanagh. well-known farmer of Osgoode township, died this morning in his 71st year. Mr. Kavanagh was born in Osgoode township and had farmed there all his life, up to the time of his accident He was unmarried and was the last surviving member of a pioneer family, his father, the late Edward Kavanagh, having been one of the first settlers in the township.
The funeral of Mr. Kavanagh will be held from McEvoy’s funeral Parlors, 471 MacLaren street, on Monday, at 8.15 a.m., for requiem high mass at St. John's Church. Osgoode, at nine o'clock. Interment will take place in the parish cemetery.

The Ottawa Journal