Miss T. Kelly Widely Mourned

Monday, October 25, 1937

The funeral of Miss Teresa Kelly, whose death occurred Thursday in a local hospital, following a brief illness, was held Sunday afternoon from the residence at Osgoode of her brother, Leo Kelly, to St. Brigid's Church, Osgoode. The lengthy cortege of more than 200 automobiles and other expressions of sympathy paid tribute to the memory of one beloved by ail who knew her.

Libera was chanted by Rev. Father Corkery, pastor of St. Mary’s, Gloucester. Present at the services in the church and at the cemetery were: Rev. Vincent Hogan, St. Mary's, Ottawa; Rev. John Kelly, Bishop's Palace, Pembroke; Rev. Martin Mooney, St. Catherine's, Metcalfe; Rev. Thomas Mitchell, O.M.I., of St. Patrick’s College, Ottawa, and the following from the Holy Rosary Scholasticate: Rev. L. Keighley, O.M.I.; Rev. A. MacInnes, O.M.I.; Rev. P. Curtin, O.M.I.; Rev. L. Herlihy, O.M.I., and several brothers, classmates of Brother Gerald Kelly. Many Sisters of the Order of the Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception attended. The service at the cemetery was conducted by Rev. Vincent Hogan.
The chief mourners were one sister, Rev. Sister St. Augustine, of Assumption Convent, Sandwich, and five brothers, Dr. Patrick Kelly, Detroit; Leo Kelly, on the homestead, Osgoode; Rev. Brother Gerald Kelly, O.M.I.; Stephen, Detroit, and Louis, of Ottawa.

The Separate School Board was represented by Dr. F. J. McDonald, Inspector, and Trustee Walter Cain.

Teresa, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Kelly, of Osgoode, had resided in Ottawa for the past eight years, having been on the teaching staff of St. Mary’s parish schools, where she won the affection and esteem of pupils and parents. In all her professional associations and social activities, her genial disposition endeared her to all who came in contact with her. Her unselfish devotion to others was one of the chief attractions of her winning personality. Miss Kelly took a keen interest in many activities of her home parish, St. Brigid’s, Osgoode, St Joseph’s, Ottawa, and was also an enthusiastic worker in St. Mary's parish branch of the Legion of Mary.
Among the floral offerings were tributes from the Teachers' Association, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hickman, Misses Beetha and Ida Shields, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barnes and Irene, and T. Gamble, president Centra] Dairies. Numerous spiritual offerings were received and messages of sympathy from those unable to attend the funeral.

The Ottawa Journal October 25th 1937
The Ottawa Journal October 25th 1937
The Ottawa Journal