John J. Herbert Dies at Osgoode

Saturday, August 21, 1943

A lifelong resident of Osgoode, John Joseph Herbert, died this morning at his heme after a month’s illness.

Born 79 years ago, he was the son of the late Michael Herbert and Ellen Nash. In 1999 he married the former Annie Shields, who predeceased him by 20 years. He attended St. John’s Church, where he was active in the League of the Secred Heart the Holy Name Society and the Catholic Order of Foresters. He was a farmer.

He is survived by four sons, Al, Stephen and Ambrose, of Osgoode, and Joseph, of Ottawa; two daughters, Helen and Anna, of Ottawa, and three brothers, Michael, of Osgoode, and Richard and Simon, of Ottawa.

The funeral will be held from his late residence Monday morning at eight to St. John's Church for requiem high mass at 8.10. Burial will be in the parish cemetery.

The Ottawa Journal Aug 21th 1943
The Ottawa Journal