James O’Leary Dies at Osgoode Station

Saturday, December 6, 1941

Ill a week, James O’Leary, 82-year-old retired farmer of Osgoode Station, died Thursday at his home. Son of Patrick O’Leary and Mary Dunn, both of Ireland, he was born at Huntley, Ontario, where he received his education.

He was a member of St. Brigid’s Church, River road, and of the League of the Sacred Heart. Two sisters, Miss Mary, at home, and Mrs. John Shields, of Kemptville, survive.

McEvoy Brothers, 235 Kent street, are in charge of arrangements for the funeral to be held at 2 p.m., Standard Time, Sunday, at St. Brigid’s Church, River road, with Rev. W. Nevins officiating. Interment will be in the parish cemetery.

The Ottawa Journal December 6th 1941
The Ottawa Journal